Thursday, August 22, 2019


The president of the United States recently tweeted that Democrat-voting Jews are disloyal, and that he is king of the Jews and sent by god. Which is something the Evangelicals are telling him. Now, I should clarify that I am quite irreligious, though descended from a long line of Calvinists, with a number of Anglicans mixed into the woodpile at various points. It's my family history, although for three generations or more we've been missing in action, religion-wise. I myself am an atheist. Not a fanatic convert to atheism, not a fervent born-again atheist, not a proselytizing atheist. Just an atheist. This is important, because I largely despise Christians, and the Evangelicals in particular. I am not too hep on any other belief systems either, but appreciate the intellectual methodology of serious Talmud study. Can't convert to anything, because I'm too cynical, completely lacking in faith, and have no need to join a community.

Although if a group identity were to come into existence of mainly Anglo-Dutch American rationalist-humanists de-stressing belief in fairy tales and non-fact based ideologies (creationism, climate change denial, space alien pyramids, or similar ridiculous cultish crap), I would probably join.
Loose on ethnicity, tight on shared culture.

Dutch Calvinists don't care what your religion is if you are not a member of their group. It's immaterial, and you are wrong. That's all there is to that.

I am not ignorant of religion, but actually rather well informed. Respectful of some elements, while sneering venomously at most of it. It's a way of life.

I've always thought that Evangelicals were completely insane.
Not just missing screws, but nuts and bolts too.

One of the very worst mistakes we as a country have ever made is allowing the Evangelicals a voice in political discourse. It's like permitting your senile, severely defective, and in-bred idiot country cousins, to sell the family horse.

Religious tolerance does NOT mean that all groups are equally right and have valid points of view. They have equal rights, and can keep their damned points of view, preferably to themselves.

As a nation, we must transcend the batshit crazy element.

We've done a piss-poor job of that.

Now, channeling for four centuries of Calvinist ancestors for a moment, what the president tweeted was complete f*cking heresy! The Spaniards have gotten to him!

"They have abandoned the compassionate heat of Jesus and adopted the bastard, angry, gun-loving, immigrant-hating, racist religion of Fox News, the Republicans, and the preachers."

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