Tuesday, August 13, 2019


Well over a year ago I stopped going to a local drinking establishment because the karaoke there attracted mostly arrogant people with huge screaming egos and horrible personalities, all of them convinced of the stupendous beauty of their own singing, now applaud dammit. It's art!

That being the regulars. Over the years only the tough and brutal survived, and as a permanent non-singer I was a weakling.

I would go there for conversation.
And for a quiet smoke outside.
Which used to be possible.

Tonight, as per long-standing custom, I will end up at another karaoke bar, where, because I do not drink, I shall have some hot water with a friend, who also doesn't sing. We will have conversation.

Perfect social activity consists largely of listening to the rest of you, provided you aren't too horribly loud and badly behaved, and those of you with big screaming egos leave those at the door.

Either before or afterwards I will enjoy a pipeful of good tobacco, in peace and quiet, perhaps while thinking of nipples. Unless there are any nearby, in which case I will resolutely NOT think of nipples. I am polite that way.

Thinking about nipples is rarely a proper social activity.
Precisely like smoking a pipe in some ways.
It is, never the less, pleasant.

Nice things.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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