Tuesday, December 01, 2015


Sometimes you giggle. Sometimes you evince surprise. And sometimes, your mouth gapes open while hot steaming drool pools around your shins, till eventually your mind snaps back into unflacidity, and you mutter "whudafuh...?"

"What was that?", you wonder, "and was it really that awe-inspiring?"

And the answer is yes. Yes it was.
It was that awe-inspiring.

Trust me.


If Harry Potter Was Written From Hermione’s Perspective
Posted by BuzzFeed Video on Wednesday, February 18, 2015

[SOURCE: If Harry Potter Was Written From Hermione’s Perspective.]

She set that mother on fire.

I came across this video courtesy of the blogger formerly known as Midianite Manna ("TBFKA M.M."), who though quiescent in some ways is kick-ass elsewhere. Like on Facebook, for instance.
But under a different appellation.

I'm sure both the Amphibian and e-kvetcher will be glad to know she's still around.

In other knews, one of my favourite C-town bakeries has changed hands.
New owner, new master baker, new products (very soon) and a new ambiance, as well as better electrical wiring.

Still some of the same staff, and some of the same classic pastries.

Today's milk-tea was NOT as good as previous iterations.
That will need to be corrected; we have standards.
I don't care what the kwailo want.
They don't snack here.

Smoked two pipes in Chinatown today.
The first one post-prandially.
The other after tea.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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