Wednesday, December 23, 2015


Questions from readers: my readers are infinitely curious. Which is good, because curiosity always means the discovery of new fields of knowledge, and hence the progression of culture and society.
These are things which I totally encourage.
The enrichment of humanity.
It's all good stuff.

My readers ask this:

"How many cigarillos?"

Enough, and not one more. Why do you need to know? Is this weird stalker behaviour?

"By the way, why do you no longer write any full posts in Dutch?"

Because most Dutch people read English perfectly well, whereas most English-speakers are non-functional and completely illiterate in any other language except spritch.

"Would you like more details, now that I've recovered more?"


"What was the story behind your three months without tobacco? Please, the story! A post!"


"How can you be so sure that Cantonese girls aren't reading your every post?"

Because they aren't.

"How do you feel about celebratory Christmas season group sex?"

Ambivalent doesn't even begin to describe it.

"Are you married?"

Have you been paying ANY attention at all? For over five years I've been lamenting my singletude, whining up a storm about sleeping alone at all hours of the day, bellyaching about the absence of a good woman in my life, making snarky comments about love and romance, and generally speaking being a relationally desperate old grouch.
You haven't noticed? What are you? Dense?

"So what are your requirements for a girl friend?"

What kind of a question is that? And why do you want to know? Don't you think that that is kind of personal? Unless you are a matchmaker keen for a challenge, it really isn't data to which you should by privy.
I just don't feel comfortable going into detail.
It seems like a private matter.
Besides being moot.

Go ahead. Ask questions. How else will you learn?

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Cocaine Bob said...

"most English-speakers are non-functional and completely illiterate in any other language except spritch."

Spritch? What's that?

Anonymous said...

My theory: The trolls are trying to goad you into saying something immoral/illegal/insane because they believe you are still involved in local Israel advocacy, and are looking for a way to discredit the movement.

A simple admission that you are no longer involved with advocacy of any kind will likely free you from the stalkers and trolls.

Or add a few anti-Israel posts, and then they'll offer you speaking engagements.

The back of the hill said...

A good theory, but I doubt that it holds up.

My own theory is that a certain young person in Oakland is almost all of those commenters.

Now, as to the trolls ever even figuring out that post A) is in anyway connected to post B), let alone C) on this blog, the majority of them have never been able to figure out non-linear blogging at all.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you are right. Stephen lost interest in trolling after Virginia left him, and when that gravy train left the station, he knew he had to buckle down and get serious. McCleary and Armstrong still troll and stalk, so they'd be my first and second guess,though I'd be surprised if you are on their radar after so many years. If you want, send the IP's to the email of the Worldwide Zionist Conspiracy, and we'll run them through the super-computer.

Wink Wink,Nudge Nudge.
Say no more.

Anonymous said...

Nothing illegal, and only borderline immoral. But certifiably insane. Yes.

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