Tuesday, November 21, 2023


It irritates me that there are people out there poncing around in this ghastly weather in their shirtsleeves, and wearing shorts. Or even tee-shirts. Don't they realize that its cold and wet and dark and freezingly wintery out there? The hibernal season is upon us, with sneezing and shivering and the hiemal gales. Water and sleet and snow and ice!

The climactic period of utter misery.
Shivering and hibernation!

That is to say, as a person with a tropic temperament, as we Dutch naturally are, it is quite uncomfortable for me, but for some people -- and one presumes them to be natives of Stavangar and Novoya Zemla, and even worse places further north -- it is positively summery out there. Why, mid to high fifties is balmy! How offensive of them!

I ran into a neighbor on the bus yesterday wearing flip-flops.
She's Canto American, born in the US.
Alaska, I think.
The reason why you don't see people shooting up or sleeping in abandoned doorways in the picture above is because they froze to death and we are using their stiffened corpses to seal the seawall that keeps the city from washing away in the storm, all hands on deck and plug the breaches. Even the Fox News crew that croaked from exposure to elements; their puffy anoraks and fleece-lined coats swollen with moisture and filling the cracks. It's sad, but Fox employees are not endangered and no one will miss them. Well, except Trump and Kari Lake, desperate attention whores wondering why there isn't a camera and recording equipment hanging on their every word.

They should come to San Francisco. Every Fox crew in the world wants to come here. We've got heathens and pot and wild-eyed naked people running around. Far more exciting than Arizona and Florida with nothing but straightlaced upstanding Christians.
And bigots.

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