Thursday, September 27, 2018


The television was on the room where the cigar smokers congregate for the entire day. Consequently, I got to hear a whiny entitled little bitch named Kavanaugh throw a trantrum and the talking rodents from Fox discoursing, for several hours. Plus Lindsey Graham unloading a pile of horse manure.

As you would guess, most of the cigar smokers are entitled too. And they live in their own cocoon worlds. So you know which direction their commentary went.

I no longer wish to hear about Kavanaugh.

But henceforth I'll refer to those folks, whenever it is necessary to talk to them, individually and collectively as 'Kavanaugh'. It's shorter, sweeter, and infinitely nastier, than telling them "listen up, you repulsive hosebag".

Still, in act of kindness that they did nothing to deserve, I did not send Little White Nipple Dude back there to converse with them when he came in.
We haven't seen him for several months, almost half a year.
I had thought that maybe his parents drowned him.
Or had him restrained and committed.
Perhaps Valiumated.

Concerning Lindsey Graham, this:

"He’s corrupted by ambition, corrupted by politics. To see him corrupted by the Trump era, to see him become sycophantic, to see him become dishonest and angry and sneering ..... "

------Steve Schmidt

The term sniveling opportunist comes to mind.
A convert to the Trumpite cause.

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