Friday, January 09, 2015


Even though I've carefully sifted my Facebook friends to weed out those who thoughtlessly disseminate hate, bigotry, racism, or Christianity, there are still a few whom I like but really wish wouldn't post links to articles. Primarily because some articles (many of them) are wingnut magnets.

The comments underneath those essays are mostly by people who are utterly insane, and whom rational society would do well to avoid: the loony fringe, the piranhas of society, the rabid monsters who cannot speak reasonably and sensibly but gibber, and the slope-browed hairy-palmed bug-eyed cretins in the basement.

People whom you would throw out of the bar, if they made the mistake of opening their pieholes in public.

Consider this wonderful screed:

pathetic response as usual from the grifter in the WH, who wouldn’t care even if there were a pile of dead bodies outside the oval office.
if this guy is not a mental case then there are no mental cases.
all this time that Jews have been targeted with these vile attacks the paralytic world “leaders” make sure to equivicate to save t heir own skanky stinking skins. this leaves Israel alone on the front lines to defend all of western civilization.
france is dreyfus and vichy and train stations and their
filthy collaborators. the frogs are a slimy bunch always have been. with the exception of the french Jews i don’t care what happens to them. they’re already in the abyss.

---judithg, January 7, 2015, 9:00 pm


Normally I do not bother reading the algemeiner, as it serves much the same purpose as Brigitte Gabriel and Fox News: riling up the moron fringe and inspiring paranoia. Those three entities (the algemeiner, Ms. Brigitte Gabriel, and Fox News) are the exact moral equivalents of Jihadi internet hate sites, except with a different target audience.

And to a certain extent, they've succeeded in their aim.

Judith G has completely lost her marbles.

She may never have had them.

But they're gone now.

Many of the other comments there are equally berserk, but do not foam quite so stream-of-consciousnessly. She requires medication, and someone should pursuade her to step away from the keyboard.

*      *      *      *      *

By the way, not everything is the fault of Obama.
Nor is everything a Jewish cause, OR plot.
Or even related to Israel.
Nor Islam.

Can't all of you damned ignorant loonies please return to blaming the Freemasons and the Pope for everything?

And take your medications. Please take your medications!
Feel free to take too much of the medications.
We much prefer you comatose.
Or ice cold.


Thanks to Benjamin, who is a very nice man, and could not possibly realize that providing a link to that venomous comment string would get my dander up, I shall resolve to henceforth not read any article from the algemeiner, much like I already avoid the Jerusalem Post, Christians United for Israel, The New York Post, Jewsnewsco ("Jews News"), and several other rather repulsive or spammatic sites.

No, I shan't mention this to him.
He means well.

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