Wednesday, January 14, 2015


This blogger is does not write computer code, or hide obsessively in his room while his worried parents ( or house mates) eat dinner without him because he won't come down. I don't have a vast collection of figurines.
Nor do I subscribe to pimple creme of the month club, or have posters of fictitious heroines in my closet.

While I respect that lifestyle, like all lifestyles, and recognize that it represents a growing demographic -- one to whom the politicians must cater, if they wish for any hope of success -- it seems far too cult-like and closed-minded to have any appeal to me. It is fascinating, though.
Rather like Vegans and the saintly people who do yoga.
I smell them on the bus, as they radiate.
Their auras are Limburger.
But pure.

On the other hand, like a dog chivying a dead rodent, I am sometimes fascinated by their obsessive and sexless existences. Urban-American yoga, Veganism, and Anime fandom are strange monastic worlds, devoid of any real human interaction or rowdy procreative lusts, where juices are never released and excess hormones leak out through the pores.
Not space-aliens, just your twisted neighbors.
Their slime is all over the internet.
Self-important, and god-like.

I understood nearly every reference in the video below. That does NOT make me a pervert, it simply establishes that once I get hold of a new fish, I shake it till I know every scale. It's called 'research'.



My first reaction was "I wonder what Japanese Schoolgirls would look like wearing tailored Nazi uniforms? Probably HOT!"

The precise hue of the material would need to be adjusted, of course, to compliment a different skin tone. Skirts below the tunics, but whether pleated or plain, the knees should be covered.

The term 'weeaboo' is defined on Urban Dictionary, in case you don't know it yet.

"A classic example of a weeaboo's presence on the net, this unknown 16-year-old girl's rant about Miyavi:

OMG! I loooove Miyavi!!!
FYI - all you haters - I saved ALL these pictures!!!
Miyavi-desu...aishiteru!!!! hot, so fine, so sexy, so cute, so funny...*dies*  "

[Text credit: u.d.]

Just like with the term 'weeaboo', I looked up 'Miyavi', assuming that this was some cute cartoon critter from an ongoing Japimation on cable teevee late at night, when normal people such as myself are fast asleep.
Yes, that did lead to further delving on Wikipedia.
Zainichi: I had never heard the term.
Konohana: 此花區。
Et autres.

Mehhh, whatever.


For some reason, many sites I visit are programmed to seed their pages for me with advertisements for cigars. Whether I'm looking at foreign newspaper articles, scholarly texts re-pasted in part on other peoples' discussions, or, yes, Urban Dictionary, there will be colourful pictures of coronos, toros, belicosos, perfectos, cortos, bravos, gordas, torpedos, lanceros; Salomones and parejos, presidentes and diademas.
Along with claro, corojo, rosado, and maduro.
I don't need to look those words up.
I know what they are.


I really think the Japanese need to do an anime series involving young ladies in a cigar factory. Wearing uniforms, but skirts above the knee. Because folklore holds that the torcedoras in old Havana would roll the bunches of tobacco leaves on their thighs.......

I would watch it.


NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps they could be communist revolutionaries working in cigar factories, leading the downtrodden anime girl masses...

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