Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Doing research on the internet is sometimes confounded by the presence of another person in the teevee room who is doing her own research, with the boob tube turned on for background noise.
She reacts to the programme.
I don't.

I react to her.

Commercials quirk her curiosity.

Her question: "Why is it that all these men with big families seem to live in Middle America?"

My answer: "Because that's where the Mormons live."

On second thought, that may not be entirely accurate. That's also where housing is cheaper than here, and many high school graduates have never heard of birth control.

What I want to know is why they all look like glandular freaks.

Growth hormones in the food?


Real people are NOT taller than five feet nine inches!

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All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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