Saturday, January 10, 2015


According to several people in Marin, the temporary closure of the Golden Gate Bridge this weekend is terrible, because it means that San Francisco is cut-off and isolated. Let that sink in for a moment.

First off, the buses between Marin County and the city are still running. They are permitted through, despite the closure.

Secondly, if only we were isolated.
No Marinites for two days.

In any case, the venereal disease infection rates in San Francisco will briefly plummet.

I should also mention that San Francisco has way more chocolate than Marin County.

Chocolate, as everybody knows, is the sure-fire cure for a major post-evening-meal cookie binge. All of a sudden you no longer compulsively consume all of the Danish butter cookies within sight.
You must have more chocolate.

Meat, gluten, highly refined sugar.
Dinner of champions.

While we are isolated, and the wheat-grass and tofu crowd cannot come to spread civilization, we temporarily enjoy Sobriety and Common-sense.
And eat all the chocolate.

They really ought to close the bridge more often.

A man, and a city, could get used to this.

We are liberated, and at peace.

Quite isolated and alone.

If you say so.

Let us float away before they re-connect us.

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