Thursday, February 02, 2012


Salami. Cheddar cheese.
And seaweed flavoured rice crackers.

Chicken Vienna Sausages, with mayonnaise, mustard, and hotsauce.

Mango pickle. Lime pickle. With a small spoon.

Banana chips. More hotsauce.


"Votre oreilles sont comme tetes de poisson"

My dreams were in spreadsheet format, ms Excel.
Except for the one in which I twiddled nipples. I can't remember whose nipples they might have been - the only thing I noticed about her was the nipples - but she must have been a very nice person to dream about, as she was NOT in spreadsheet format.
Unless she was a formula in one of the cells.
'Equals sum parenthesis A1 times G1 end parenthesis'.

Yields nipples!
Highlight range in an appropriate colour, and do a control 'B'.
Click on cell, control 'C', and paste one over.
That way there are TWO of them.
Reduce font size.
Control 'S'.

Something tastes like dogfood.
Have the Viennas gone bad?

Counting on the fruit juice to keep me regular.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

1 comment:

The back of the hill said...

Mmm, Britanny? I've deleted your comment, because I suspected that it was little more than a method of getting your own site mentioned.

Real feedback, of course, would be preferred.

Excellent photos, by the way.

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