Tuesday, December 07, 2010


I'm using my comments underneath a post on Dovbear’s blog as the basis for this piece.


Prominent Dutch politician Frits Bolkestein sparked an uproar in the Netherlands by saying practicing Jews had "no future here, and should emigrate to the US or Israel"

Dov, naturally, found that reprehensible. That a politician would say that Jews should leave 'for their own good' should normally be considered ipso facto anti-Semitic.

Normally the government might actually gave a damn, and the police could actually do their job.

But this is the Netherlands we're talking about.


‘QUOTE: "joden die als zodanig herkenbaar zijn, zoals orthodoxe joden", aldus Bolkestein - "Voor hen zie ik geen toekomst hier vanwege het antisemitisme onder vooral Marokkaanse Nederlanders, die in aantal blijven toenemen."

[Translation: "Jews who are recognizable as such, like Orthodox Jews", according to Bolkenstein - "For them I do not see any future here, due to anti-Semitism, especially among Moroccan Dutch, who keep increasing in number".]

QUOTE: Volgens de oud-eurocommissaris kunnen ze daarom hun kinderen maar beter aanraden om te emigreren naar Amerika of Israël. Hij heeft weinig vertrouwen in de huidige plannen om het antisemitisme te bestrijden, zoals het inzetten van ‘lokjoden’ – een voorstel van PvdA-Kamerlid Ahmed Marcouch.

[Translation: According to the ex-Eurocommissioner it is better that they advise their children to emigrate to the United States or Israel. He has little confidence in current plans to combat anti-Semitism, such utilizing 'decoy Jews' - a proposal by Labour Party congressman Ahmed Marcouch. ]
Plainly put, Fritz Bolkenstein has no confidence in either the Dutch government OR the Dutch population to put an end to anti-Semitism, which he blames on the non-assimilation of Moroccans and Turks (sly jab at the Labour Party, who are widely held responsible for the 'gedoog beleid' policies that led to this situation), and he frankly advises Jews that the Netherlands is neither safe, nor tolerant.
He is a pessimist. As are a number of others.

Do I think Jews have a future in the Netherlands? Hell no. Fudge no.

Nor would I advise anyone to walk around wearing a kippah in even the Netherlands' most Jewish city - Amsterdam - because it might mean their life. Like Bolkenstein, I would suggest that all Dutch Jews emigrate.
Unlike Bolkenstein, I would further suggest that they emigrate PRIMARILY to San Francisco, but that's because I am a self-serving opportunist.
I could use more Dutch-speakers here with whom I can agree.
The current bunch are mostly pricks.


There are about 800 thousand Muslim Dutch, primarily of North-African and Turkish ancestry. Many of them were born in the Netherlands. They aren’t immigrants by any standard, though they are not considered ‘native’ (“autochtoon”). They dominate certain neighborhoods in most of the inner cities.
Coincidentally, that would also be where most Dutch Jews reside. One might possibly say that then the problem would be easily resolved by moving Jews out to the provinces....... except that that is where Stormfront Netherlands resides.

Unlike Bolkenstein and many others, I do not blame the Moroccan and Turkish Dutch. Their venomous anti-Semitism could not thrive if the Dutch did not tolerate it. The Dutch cannot claim that it throve outside of their sight, it was plainly visible for an entire generation.
It was allowed to flourish by Dutch politicians and Dutch society, and it was conveniently overlooked, because it seemed to serve as an admirable outlet, and as an occasionally useful political voice when Dutch society had a fit over what the Israelis were doing to those poor, poor Palestinians.
Claiming that it's only the Muslim-Dutch is a cop-out. It's a nice try at plausible deniability, but it doesn't hold water.

Again, I do not blame the Muslim Dutch - their anti-Semitism is a thoroughly Netherlandish product.

I blame the Dutch.

By the way, calling Bolkenstein, as a former VVD parliamentarian, a rightist, is, in the American context, more than absurd. The VVD are liberals, and only right-wing by Dutch standards.
By US Republican standards, the agenda of the VVD is damn’ near filthy communist.

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