Monday, December 13, 2010


Regular readers here already know that I have discovered my blog stats as an endless source of mild amusement. Today's stats, however, have a narrative cohesion which is rather sad.
I weep for the various stalwarts who in their hopeful ignorance stumbled in here, and did not find what they sought.

"Cantonese American Girls"

"closet chainsmoker"

"Balkan Sobranie Turkish Cigarettes Gold"

"hot bikes and chicks"

"I can see your nipples"

You see? Clearly the searchers COLLECTIVELY were looking for female Cantonese American cigarette smokers with refined tastes and pleasingly risqué personal qualities.

I can sympathize with them completely. I once knew several Cantonese American girls who smoked Balkan Sobranie cigarettes - both the gold-tipped Black Russians as well as the white tin Oriental straights ("The Balkan Sobranie Cigarettes - Made from the Finest Yenidje Tobacco - 10 CIGARETTES"), and yes, they were closet smokers.
I particularly remember strolling with them after a banquet in Los Angeles Chinatown, several yards behind their various parents. The girls took surreptitious puffs, then hid the cigarettes behind their backs. Mom and Dad should NOT see their dear daughters smoking, ever!
I was the only person openly smoking........ which, of course, added to the unpleasant smell that I as a white person surely possessed.

It should be noted that it is unlikely in the extreme that any of the three sets of parents had EVER done a comparative sniff-test of their daughters versus the Caucasian family friend and minor business associate. They might have been surprised. Pipesmokers ALWAYS smell better than cigarette smokers.
Especially closet chain-smokers.

A female Cantonese American cigarette smoker with refined tastes and pleasingly risqué personal qualities .....

One of those Cantonese American girls also had a motorbike.
I really don't know whether the bike was hot - I have no taste in such matters - but she certainly was, oh yes. Smoking. Yowza. Oooweee.
No, I never saw her nipples.
That option did not seem germaine or likely at the time.
I now regret that 'oversight' keenly.
Back then I wasn't nearly so much a dirty old man as I am now, you see.

Biker leather really adds charm to a slim girlish figure. Formfitting and shiny - it emphasizes both the curvaceousness and the aerodynamic quality of the small feminine person in question, rakish and enchanting, with one foot on the pavement, and a Balkan Sobranie cigarette twixt gloved fingers........ a smear of daemon-temptress red lipstick staining the golden tip.

But alas, none of that is on this blog. You will certainly not find cigarettes here (I disapprove of them), and neither Cantonese American girls nor nipples visit much.
I wouldn't mind if they did, honest - I like both Cantonese American girls AND nipples - but this blog really does not have much appeal to Cantonese American girls OR nipples.
It's sad.

So I'm very sorry. You are disappointed. I have failed you.
I wish you every luck in finding chainsmoking hot Cantonese American biker chicks (with nipples) somewhere else on the internet. Keep up the good search. Just remember to come back and leave me a link when you find them.
Thank you.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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