Tuesday, May 05, 2009


A correspondent on a mailing list wrote about the remembrance of the war dead in the Netherlands. As what he said is rather interesting, I have translated it and posted it below.

A. B. writes:
"Yesterday there was a broadcast of a ceremony remembering the war dead. At the event, Wim de Bie spoke to those present, which included the queen and (crown prince) Willem-Alexander, about his memories of the Second World War. He observed that the Germans hid in residential neighborhoods in the Hague to launch V2 rockets towards London. De Bie said that it was clear that already then human shields were used.
The reaction of the English was not a surprise: carpet-bombing of the city, which killed more civilians than Germans. No 'precision-bombing' whatsoever.
This seemed somewhat familiar - yet the reactions of the world are so different now

Note: Corrections in the translation made at 12:30 PM, as per recommendations of author.

[Original: Gisteren werd een ceremonie uitgezonden ter ere van de Dodenherdenking. Daar vertelde Wim de Bie aan de aanwezigen, waaronder de koningin en Willem-Alexander over zijn herinneringen uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Hij nam waar dat in Den Haag schuilden de Duitsers in bewoonde wijken om vandaar hun V2 raketten op Londen af te vuren. De Bie noemde het nog duidelijk dat de menselijke schild toen al toegepast werd. De reactie van de Engelsen kwam niet als een verassing: tapijten van bommen
op de stad, waar meer burgers dan Duitsers omkwamen. Niks precisiebombardementen of zoiets.
Toch komt het mij ergens bekend voor. Alleen de reacties van de wereld zijn nu wel anders.]

Yes, I could wax sarcastic about double-standards and hypocrisy. But there is no need. Probably everyone reading this is capable of reading between the lines and forming their own conclusions.

Yesterday the Netherlands remembered those who did not survive the war. Today the Netherlands celebrates liberation.
What they do the other 363 days may be baffling.


Grm said...

Splendid BM!

Arthur Travis H. always stated that he did not have at his disposal explosive devices which could differentiate between civilian & uniformed foes.
The IAF had the same problem during cast-lead.
Maybe it is easier to just strap spantex on and let others care about who gets it?

Anonymous said...

Double standard for Israel.

Point taken.

--Marbuk Patel

Unknown said...

During World War II, the Allies meant to bomb the Gestapo headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark. However, the Gestapo building was located next to an orphanage. By accident, the orphanage was bombed and 80-85 innocent orphans were killed. Everyone understood that it was a mistake and the flyers were not called murderers but were praised and consoled, not demonized, though the world regretted their poor aim.

Thanks to Palestinian propaganda, the world could not today ever forgive Israel if the same were to happen. All Jews would be branded as vicious killers of innocent children... but wait... that's what they call us right now. They must be prescient and we must be murderers.

I have two words for the Palestinian propagandists (and all who believe them)... and they're not Allahu Akbar.


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