Monday, May 11, 2009


There is no better way to put it: the pro-Palestinian side are a bunch of monkeys. Who else flings poo? I'm not talking metaphorical poo (yes, they fling that too), but very real poo. Smelly poo.
Faeces, fewmets, caca, skyte, and shizzle.


It happened this past Saturday in front of the Grandlake Theater in Oakland.

Every Saturday the anti-Israel side holds a dreary one hour vigil on one side of the street, the pro-Israel side has a happy get-together with signs and flags on the other side of the street.
The anti-Israel side consists of Jews of convenience (Jewish only when it is convenient to be Jewish), old Presbyterian sourpusses, random Jew-haters, and the two lonely oldest surviving Anarcho-Syndicalists in the Bay Area.
The pro-Israel side includes a broad spectrum: Jews of INconvenience (Jewish at ALL times, not just when it is strategically useful to have a Jew in the ranks), lefties, righties, non-Jewish religious, atheists, anarchists, new-age, conservadoxim, reform, and of course the erev rav.
Real people. People like you and me.

Occasionally, pedestrians or drivers-by will holler something egregious at either side. Or voice some kind of encouragement. Or just scream. Loud and long.

This past Saturday, however, the Jew-haters hit a new low. Air-borne poo.
The hastily flung horse manure bounced off a sign, the pooflingers vehicle sped up and disappeared.

Oh crap. Flying poo.

The horse turds rolled a bit, breaking up. We kicked them into the gutter.

The rhetoric of the anti-Israel side is aptly symbolized by horsepuckey, as are their morals and ideas. The Palestinian students at UC Berkeley standardly voice horsepuckey, the Women in Black who vigilate against Israel on Friday at Sproul Plaza trade in little else, JVP is constructed around a firm base of it, and Richard Becker of International ANSWER just about wallows in it. Poo.
They cannot counterargue, so they fling poo. Their thought processes are that narrow and hateful that they have no other recourse. Poo.
Yaman Salahi expresses himself? Poo. Lily Haskell threatens to throw Zionists down an elevator shaft? Poo. Richard Becker has a naughty dream? Poo. Kate Bender blogs? Poo. Paul Larudee opinionates about his dear friends in Hezbollistan and Gaza? Poo. Medea Benjamin, anything at all? Poo.

Stephen "Lynched G.I. Effigy" and his lovely wife Virginia? Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, poo,poo!

I'm used to Berkeley being full of poo. But it's overflowing, and drifting south into Oakland. Poo. There is just too much of it. A veritable surfeit. Things are getting desperate. If Berkeley is unchecked, all civilization and culture in the Bay Area might be drowned in poo.

I have heard that baseball bats can cause constipation - that may be a mighty measure against the tide of poo. I shall have to consider it.


Anonymous said...

Ash, maple, or metal alloy?
Perhaps hickory, because it is heavy.

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that sums up the politics of the Israel hating crowd quite well, a load of horse poo!

Anonymous said...

I have a pork chop and I know how to use it!!!!

Unknown said...

Well, I saw the horse poop in mid-air, but I didn't know what it was until it landed. I got a good look at the Arab woman who threw it (ugly witch if I do say so-- a meeskeit if I ever saw one) and at the blue car she was riding in... I'm going to remember her. I'm also going to be more aware of the cars and people going by-- I got lulled into a sense of complacency by the boredom (other than us talking to one another) of spending time out on the corner.

It was a wake-up call. Let's see if it happens again because I have just the thing for the perpetrator.

Fortunately, it wasn't fresh camel shit. Horses are more acceptable to me; camels are nasty and they spit at you. A choleria on all of them!


Jack Steiner said...

Ah yes, the lovely people of the Bay area and their politics. Got to love them.

Anonymous said...

Its stuff like that which has caused me to become very tired of being a "model minority!"


GRANT!PATEL! said...

Sounds like the frustration of the anti-semitic masses matches their minds. And is almighty inchoate.

Methinks the Bay Area politicians are in part to blame for this. Shit in, shit out.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Poo is of course a metafor for ... poo.

---Ahmed Avecleplusdemerde

GRANT!PATEL! said...

Does Richard Becker of International ANSWER own a horse? How ... bourgois!

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Smells like something that Lily Haskell would do.

Anonymous said...

Lily Haskell? Of course. Most likely she rolls around in it every day. Possibly with Becker the Dickhead.

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