Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I am flabbergasted at the conversation currently on-going between Snooky Wong and Grant Patel. First of all, I am flabbergasted that they are even having a conversation, as most of the time they simply spar and insult each other. Grant delights in crude though marginally clean sexual innuendo - nothing actionable, he is far too canny a lawyer for that - and Snooky steams and blows up regularly in his direction because of it.

Grant is a distinctly degenerate Parsee lawyer in his fifties, who is more than passing literate.
Grant's blog:
Snooky is a teenage Cantonese-American girl with a broad spectrum of interests, and quite probably a Lowell High School student.
Snooky's blog:

You can always count on Lowell girls to shatter praeconceptions. They are a brainy bunch.

Grant and Snooky appear to be arguing about the male regenerative organ. Specifically, the male regenerative organ of Richard Becker, possibly also the praedilections of mister Becker and his handy goon Forest Schmidt. Grant and Snooky accuse each other of being obsessed.

See this post by Snooky:

And this post by Grant:


From my vantage point, it looks like they are both indeed obsessed. Though not with whatever fleshy appendage Richard Becker may or may not have within the folds of his garments. They are obsessed with shouting at each other. Richard Becker's miniscule manhood is a pretext, they have no actual interest in his organ, but they are happily whacking each other over the head with it. Rhetorically, of course.

While I wholeheartedly approve of their well-expressed loathing for Richard Becker and his radical thugs, I do wish they would not use mister Becker's handicap as an excuse. Becker can be rightly criticized on any number of grounds. His inadequacy, whether real or merely rumoured, should not be the point. And it is disturbing to me that a teenage girl should write so much about something sexual.
[Grant writing about it at great length is entirely unsurprising, however.]

Please, miss Wong and mister Patel, stop talking about Richard Becker's tiny you-know-what. Write about something else. Find some other subject that you have in common to wage war over.
Shrimp, perhaps?



But he started it! And he is the one who is all obscene!

If mister Pervertel drops the subject, I will. Until then, it is war. He is acting like a pig.

Telmac said...

I'm sorry snooky, you should really stop.

GRANT!PATEL! said...

Yes yes yes, Snooky, listen to the wise talmidist! YOU should stopp. Your interest in the Becker wangly is UTTERLY unsuitable! You are developing into a becker-tease! Hah! It is precisely and exactly as I thought!
Evil Mincks!

---Grant Pureandgoodandnice

GRANT!PATEL! said...

Stop hitting me over the head with the Becker's weiny! I inisist! I am much aggrieved.

---Grant Dentinkopf

GRANT!PATEL! said...

Do NOT terrorize your betters with your obscene interest in the communist's pudnick! It is wholly far from grace. Faugh! Faugh I say! Double faugh! And triple faugh!

---Grant Muchaggrievedwilltravel

GRANT!PATEL! said...

I am upset.

---Grant Pootilly

GRANT!PATEL! said...

Can you tell?

---Greenspant Sulk

GRANT!PATEL! said...

As I am the aggrieved party. In all particulars. I can say this.

---Precheese Beckraphobe


It may well be time to drop this subject, it would seem to been exhausted.

GRANT!PATEL! said...

Poodles are figmant of a diseased mind. I know.

---Grant Poodlebanger

GRANT!PATEL! said...

Quote: A Pakistani court has ordered the release of the leader of an Islamic charity suspected of being a front for a group accused of the Mumbai attacks.

The court ruled the continued house arrest of Jamaat-ud-Dawa founder Hafiz Mohammad Saeed was unconstitutional.

The charity is accused of being a front for Lashkar-e-Taiba, the group India says was behind the attacks. Jamaat-ud-Dawa denies any links with militants.

India has expressed its disappointment, calling the release "regrettable".
Frikkan bhainchoots, they have NO intention of doing justice. If this is a tit for tat by the ISI, we will soon enough know. Hafiz Mohammad Saeed is a dead man.

---Grant Warlike

GRANT!PATEL! said...

And une autre quote: Mr Saeed, who denies the charges against him, was placed under house arrest in December after the UN added him to a list of people and groups linked to al-Qaeda or the Taliban.From Indian Home Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram: "We are unhappy that Pakistan has not shown the degree of seriousness and commitment it should have ".

---Grant Killthemall

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