Wednesday, May 27, 2009


A woman in Lakewood received a stealthy note from a young man. No, it was not a confession of honest love and admiration, nor a passionate admission of hot! hot! hot! yearning, nor even a heartfelt plea that she call him sometime.
It was merely a handwritten kvetch.
It said "your skirt does not cover your nees in back."

and: ]


Somewhere in Lakewood there is a traumatized (!) yingerman. A nice innocent yingerman, who wanted only to concentrate on holy matters, but now sees all of his fond dreams of total purity and saintliness trickle through his hands like so much water, flowing away, flowing away.
He has been corrupted by some hussy's bare knees!

I can definitely feel for him.

Women should NOT expose their knees.

"your skirt does not cover your nees."

It leads to arthritis (especially in San Francisco), and most knees are not nearly as attractive or rewarding as one might think. Many knees exhibit a largeness of bone that is utterly unappealing.

Now, a gracefull adolescent, with delicate bone structure and plump thighs, whose knees dimple nicely, is quite another matter!
I have been known to spend hours keenly observing such knees, fondly wondering what it would be like to be young again. Oh my, would I just obsess over such a lovely pair of knees, the very picture of innocence!
Good heavens.


But there is another point of view which I entirely overlooked, best expressed in the sincere and heartfelt plea below:

"Please PLEASE PLEASE I beg all you woman to dress tzniusdik. I am a yungerman with terrible tayvos, which r"l I cant controll. You dont realize what ur doing to me and other ehrlich yungerman like me. Yuo are choteh u'machteh es ha'rabim. I see you in the strets and I try so hard and I daven and I try to focus on kapitelach but its imposibel to not see you even for a moment. When this hapens I cant stop thinking about you and the way you looked (even if it's "just" a knee). My learning is ruined for the day I simpley cant consentrate. When my toyvas get so bad worse happens and you cause me to sin in one of the worst ways a man can sin. PLEASE stop making us yungerman sin!!!! Hashem Yeracheim!"


Which is the comment string underneath this post: ]

Knees lead to spelling errors. Quod erat demonstrandum. Ban knees now.



My gratitude goes out to Rabbi Dovbear (, thanks to whose vigilance this nasty situation was brought to my attention - he credits Jacob ( for bringing it to his.

[As Rabbi Elazar said, in the name of Rabbi Chanina: "He who says something in the name of the one who said it brings redemption to the world, as it is written, "and Esther said to the king, in the name of Mordechai". ]

We all look out for each other, and ALL of us look out for the heiliga Yidden of Lakewood.
Hine lo yanum ve lo yishan shomayr Yisroel.


Jacob Da Jew said...

Shkoyach fur de link, Reb B.O.T.H.!

Ari said...

"She who covers her nees, it's as if she has saved the whole world."

- Soyta, 32a

Spiros said...

I like looking at knees.
Of course, I'm a goy.

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