Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Men are not known for nice nether garments. In fact, many men prefer underwear that has reached a distressed and antique stage, favouring museum pieces that had already outlived full functionality while they were still in college or when Moses was trying to moor the Zeppelin with all the animals on Mount Nebo. That old. Yes.

One of my colleagues, when I was at the computer company, had undergarments so utterly praehistoric that he had to use duct tape to keep 'em from sliding down his trouser legs. Another prided himself on his sewing skills, and offered to show us his latest handiwork at the drop of a hat. Boruch Hashem the hat was the only thing dropped - we men do like our own underwear, but absolutely not that of other men.
Ragged boxers are NOT a competition sport.

When it comes to women's underwear, it is of course a different ball game. But that is not the subject of this post.


This is not something I planned to do today. What happened is that Savage Kitten noticed how severely low on functional underwear supplies I had gotten - there is nowhere near the house to buy boxers - and on her own decided to augment my meagre clothes closet.

Underwear has changed a lot since I was a lad.

These boxers are show-off pieces. Party togs. Happy pants. The kind of thing that would not embarrass you if you felt it necessary to take off your blue jeans and swing them around your head when the juke box bursts into a Jerry Lewis song (quite inappropriate if it's Great Balls of Fire).

You could also wear your long pants down around your knees, like many young folks do nowadays - how on earth you're gonna get away from the cops is a mystery, and you'd look mighty retarded besides - but you would be showing off some mega-fancy duds by doing so. These are GREAT boxers! They are terrific!

The pattern shows little blue octopuses (octopodes) with smiling eyes swimming in a green lagoon filled with lots of good things to eat (for cephalopodoi, that is).
These boxers are very comfy. I had forgotten how comfortable new underwear could be.
I can't wait to put on the other pair.

And no, I ain't showing them to anyone! Except for Savage Kitten.
She sometimes worries that I don't wear the clothes she buys me.
I gonna hafta prove that such things are much appreciated.
And that I am indeed wearing them, though at that time perhaps naught else.
Yes, please do imagine that I will look dashing.


Anonymous said...

The Banana Republic makes comfy 100% cotton printed boxers.

*bananas (obviously)

--Eugene Lilliziakian Patellianpoo

Ferdinand Von Zeppelin said...

I am wearing briefs, do you hear me? Briefs! Boxers is for kiddy-winkies!

e-kvetcher said...

Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode (underwear and Asian women!):

(Kramer enters. He's got a bottle of water. Jerry stays on the line to chat with Donna)

JERRY: So listen...

KRAMER: Hi. I'm goin' through this stuff like water... (to Jerry) Who you talkin' to? (Jerry waves him away and moves towards the bedroom, still on the phone)

ELAINE: He's on with a Chinese woman.

KRAMER: Oooo, ooooo. You know, I dig Asian women.

(Kramer appears a little distracted, adjusting his underwear through his pants)

ELAINE: You got a comfort problem there?

KRAMER: No, I think these Jockeys shrunk.

ELAINE: I thought you wore silk underwear.

KRAMER: No, no, n--Well, you know, I wore 'em for about a month but I couldn't stick with it. No, I need the secure packaging of Jockeys. (he's serious. Then he makes a hand gesture of grabbing up) My boys need a house!

ELAINE: (not charmed) That's nice. Listen, Kramer, you know, if you ever want to have kids you shouldn't wear briefs. Boxers are much better for your sperm count.

KRAMER: Sperm count? Well how many ssssperm should I have?

ELAINE: A lot!

(Jerry comes back, happy)

JERRY: I got a date!

ELAINE: With the Chinese woman?!

JERRY: She knew who I was! She saw me in a club one time! My first date ever with the Pacific Rim. I'm very excited.

KRAMER: Jerry. Did ya ever have your sperm count checked?

JERRY: No, why should I? I wear boxers.

KRAMER: You ever get a woman pregnant?

JERRY: I'm sorry, Kramer. Those records are permanently sealed...

KRAMER: What would you say if I told you I never impregnated a woman?

JERRY: Really? You never slipped one past the goalie in all these years??... Boy, I'm surprised. You've slept with a lot of women!

KRAMER: A LOT of 'em! (wild gesture, freaked out) Do you think maybe I'm... Depleted??!!

JERRY: Well, I'm sure you're not... Totally Depleted.

KRAMER: Yeah but what if I am? I'm the last... male Kramer! We're facing extinction!

JERRY: So go to a fertility clinic. Have your sperm count checked.

KRAMER: Yeah, but then I'd have to... (glances at Elaine) well, you know... into a cup in the middle of the day??

ELAINE: What, does that conflict with your regular schedule?

(Kramer leaves, disturbed)

Unknown said...

Gatkes... I buy you books, send you to school and you write about gatkes. We couldn't at least be talking about women's gatkes? But no... you fardrei our kopfs with mainses about men's gatkes. Feh!! A bruch on your gatkes!


GRANT!PATEL! said...

Better a dhoti than a saree.

---Grant Twistyknicks


Why do so many men have an Asian thing? Is it something to do with colonialist conquest?

Just asking.

The back of the hill said...

Why do so many men have an Asian thing? Is it something to do with colonialist conquest?Nope. It's because y'all look nice to us. And we're more likely to start a conversation with someone we feel attracted to, which is often how a relationship develops.

Some men just start conversations with big boobs. Others only see blondes.

And some have no discrimination at all.

The back of the hill said...

But there are men who do indeed have weird hangups over little Asian blossoms. That, too, is part of the picture.

Lord Knickers said...

"...there are men who do indeed have weird hangups over little Asian blossoms.

OR: hangups about weird little Asian blossoms!

That too is part of the picture!

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