Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Two supporters of terrorism have been sentenced to 65 years in prison.

"Shukri Abu Baker, 50, and Ghassan Elashi, 55, were convicted of channelling funds to the Palestinian militant group, Hamas. [cut] ...prosecutors argued that the humanitarian aid sent by the charity allowed Hamas to divert money to militant activities. "


The Holy Land Foundation and its founders are not the only ones who aid Hamas by "charitable contributions".

Names such as ISM, Paul Larudee, Cynthia McKinney, George Galloway, Lauren Booth, Anja Meulenbelt (et autres) come to mind.

Perhaps suit against such organizations and individuals could also be brought under the Alien Tort Claims Act, a law written in 1789 to fight piracy which is increasingly being used for human rights lawsuits.

From Wikipedia:
The Alien Tort Statute (28 U.S.C. § 1350; ATS, also called the Alien Tort Claims Act (ATCA)) is a United States federal law which reads: "The district courts shall have original jurisdiction of any civil action by an alien for a tort only, committed in violation of the law of nations or a treaty of the United States." This statute is notable for allowing United States courts to hear human rights cases brought by foreign citizens for conduct committed outside the United States.


George Galloway and Anja Meulenbelt are classic examples of terrorist supporteurs and apologists. If either of them were hanged for their activities it would serve the cause of justice.
Paul Larrudee might be a different case. It is by no means clear whether his efforts have been more help to Hamas or Hezbollah than hindrance, and it is definitely possible that he is more of an embarrassment than anything else.

The ISM, of course, consists almost entirely of dunces, terrorist sympathizers, and liars, and serves primarily as a holiday tour company for arm-chair revolutionaries. It's effectiveness should not be overstated.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

To: ---------
Sent: Monday, June 1, 2009 Subject: THIS WEDS. 6/3: Urgent Meeting + Weekend Actions

URGENT ACTIVIST MEETING Please join the Middle East Children's Alliance to develop plans for a Bay Area convoy for the July 4th Convoy with Viva Palestina!.

Middle East Children's Alliance
June 3, 7pm
1101 8th Street, Ste. 100, Berkeley

Please email if you need a ride from North Berkeley BART. Rides will be leaving from there every 10 minutes between 6:30 and 7:10pm.

More information, please call Jennifer Mogannam at (510) 548-0542.
Background: On Wednesday, May 20 MECA hosted a pulic event and met with George Galloway about Viva Palestina-a project to bring millions of dollars in humanitarian supplies to Gaza through a series of convoys from different parts of the world.

SF, June 6 Rally: End the Siege of Gaza! Noon--5pm UN Plaza, 7th & Market, near Civic Center BART
(415) 821-6545
ANSWER Coalition
SF, June 7: Protest "Israel in the Gardens" Noon on Mission Street Across from Yerba Buena Gardens
Email Bay Area International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network
June 20 & 21: Aswat's Summer Concerts San Francisco and Los Altos A Night of Arabic & Iranian Music June 20, 2009, 7pm
McKenna Theater‎, Creative Arts Bldg
1756 Holloway Ave in San Francisco
A Matinee of Arabic and Iranian Music and Folkloric Dance
Sunday, June 21st, 2009, 3pm
Foothill College Theater
12345 El Monte Road in Los Altos

web: Please Join the MECA Mailing LIst

Make an online contribution for the health and lives of Palestinian children.
Forward email

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Middle East Children's Alliance | 1101 8th Street | Suite 100 | Berkeley | CA | 94710

Bay Area IJAN said...

Subject: [IJAN Bay Area Announcements] Protest Israel in the Gardens! June 7th!

12pm - 4pm

On June 7th in San Francisco, Yerba Buena will host "Israel in the Gardens". This event will celebrate the state of Israel and its claims to diversity and progressive democracy. We protest this celebration. In reality, Israel's apartheid state is not a thriving democracy but a militarized, violent system that is attempting destruction of the Palestinian people and culture through the colonization of historic Palestine. Further, Israel is fueled by systematic racism against Arabs and Mizrahi Jews. Recently, as the devastating attacks on Gaza exposed Israeli contempt for human life, Zionists and supporters of Israel continued their propaganda and claims to Israel's "Jewish Values" and "progressive Diversity". On June 7th, a gay performer, Ivri Lider, will be headlining at Israel in the Gardens. Queer people reject this exploitation in the service of a racist state. Please join us as we protest this celebration of Israel in SF!

Meet on Mission Street, across from Yerba Buena Gardens at 12pm, Sunday, June 7th!

International Jewish anti-Zionist Network, Bay Area ::

The back of the hill said...

Hey Jaron Browne, Kinneret, Sara, Perry, et al - how does it feel to have put yourself outside the fold? Does it feel good? You all relieved now? Finally getting over the white liberal guilt?

Oh, and how was your anti-Zionist seder among the rabid Presbyterians of Oakland? Was the pizza goooood?

See y'all Sunday. Bring bail money.

Anonymous said...

For supporters of Hamas, let's not forget Matthew Taylor of Jewish Voice for Peace. He is pretty tight with the ISM's Tristan Anderson.

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