Wednesday, May 06, 2009


The title of this post is a sly reference to e-kvetcher's blog. If you do not know what I mean, just cruise in here and keep reading until enlightenment strikes.
It will soon. Emmes.

Sometimes you wake up with a tune stuck in your head.
Early last week I had the Marsellaise playing in my mind. And several days later it was the Internationale.

[La Marseillaise :; the Internationale:; but the national anthem of the USSR is also a goodie:]

Obviously I like rousing tunes. And I am fortunate that I have a mental playlist.

This morning was different.

I woke with the words to Superfreak ringing through my head.

"She's a very kinky girl,
The kind you don't take home to mother;
She will never let your spirits down,
Once you get her off the street....
Ow girl!

Superfreak is NOT on my mental playlist.

Savage Kitten was in the kitchen singing while she made herself breakfast.

"She likes the boys in the band,
She says that I'm her all-time favorite!
When I make my move to her room it's the right time
She's never hard to please !"

This from someone who is fixing herself a really BIG gloppy flapjack - she is VERY particular about breakfast. I can smell the pound of butter that she has melted. Mmmm, butter!

"That girl is pretty wild now!
The girl's a super freak!
The kind of girl you read about,
In a new-wave magazine!

That girl is pretty kinkeeeey!
The girl's a super freak!
I really love to taste her,
Every time we meet. "

Okay, this is maybe not quite as bad as a hangover.....

"She's all right! She's all right!!
That girl's all right with me, yeah!
She's a super freak, super freak!
She's super-freakeeeey, yow!

Or maybe it is.
Just in case I didn't get the message about 'that girl', she joyously repeats it at the top of her lungs.

"...Super freak, super freak! "

The words 'superfreak, superfreak' must have a meaning I am unfamiliar with. She invests them with feeling, she sound rapturous. She's in the zone now, baby. Surely that pancake is almost ready?

"She's a very special girl,
The kind of girl you want to know,
From her head down to her toenails!
Down to her feet, yeah!

And she'll wait for me, backstage with her girlfriends,
In a limousine,
Going back to Chinatown...

Three is not a crowd to her, she says,
"Room 714, I'll be waiting"!
When I get there she's got incense, wine and candles....
It's such a freaky scene! "

Where does she get all that energy from at this hour? I can't even mumble yet, and she's loudly laying the freak on big time. Urghhhh!

Super freak, super freak!
That girl's a super freak!
Oooooooooooooooh!!!!!!!! "

Years ago I walked in on her lying on the bed twitching with a blissed-out expression on her face, eyes closed. She was grooving to Madonna.

She really gets into her music.

Today I've got the immortal Rick James in my kitchen. Eating pancakes.
And now I can't get the freak out of my head.


Unknown said...

Cool song! For those who don't know it, here's Rick James' video on YouTube:

I approve.


e-kvetcher said...

How do you feel about Cake? They seem to have a minor obsession with Rick James:
Love her madly Meanwhile, Rick James

e-kvetcher said...

The "Love her madly" video is one my all time favorites. The lyrics are incredible, the standard heavy bass line that you expect from Cake, and who else would make a video with Rick James, Phyllis Diller, and the Frugal Gourmet.

Tzipporah said...

Did you see "Little Miss Sunshine"?

If not, you should. Seriously, go rent it.

GRANT!PATEL! said...

Anything is better than "Singh is king". Not kidding. Only lyrics are the phrase "Singh is king". Imagine whole bancha happy Surds repeating endlessly.

Or refrain 'mera dunia-a-a-aaa!'
Also repeated endlessly. Visuals first one better than second. More colorfull dancing. Less Italian shirts.

---Grant Patel

GRANT!PATEL! said...

Bollywood has overmuch to answer for. Thank your diety she does not watch such. Your life would be a Hindi hell if.

---Grantrey Bogartel

GRANT!PATEL! said...

Better than the beatles. You do not want anyone singing "I am the wombat, I am the hamster, googoogachew" at six o'clock in the morning. It is bloody horrible.

---Grant Patel

GRANT!PATEL! said...

My auntie Nilofer used to do that. Drove Jamshed-uncle up friggin wall. Do you know how thin walls in those apartments are? Collapsed! That is how thin!

---Grant Mumbaikar

GRANT!PATEL! said...

It is very sad when part of your family remembers the sixties as the hey hey day of life. And beatles. Dammed bugs. Chutiya Angrezi white singers.

---Grant Rollingstonewallah

The back of the hill said...

Tayere e-kvetcher, I shall have to rewatch the first video - and take notes regarding procedures and ingredients.

Tzipporah, I just read the plot of the movie. Yes, sounds like something I do NEED to watch.

Anonymo said...

Bandiera rossa.

L'Internazionale Comunista

GRANT!PATEL! said...

Man those commies know how to sing.

---Grant Trotskytel

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