Tuesday, May 19, 2009


The anti-Zionists are sad and hurt. The poor dears! And who can blame them? We arrived early to counterdemonstrate against their hate-fest, and occupied the sidewalk space that THEY wanted to use.
Oh, we are such spoilers!

Neener, neener, neener.

And to make matters worse, we refused to move. We just stood there, like oxen, gaily waving our Israeli and American flags, even when they asked us to please go away. Acted like we couldn't understand a word.

'No, we're here now, and we ain't going anywhere. Get used to it.'

Remembering the Nakba 61 years - Mon 5:30pm @Israeli Consulate, SF

Yesterday evening qualifies as a victory. Instead of the pro-Israel side being outnumbered five to one, for a change there were equal numbers on both sides.
Well, the Jew-haters actually did have six more people than we did, but three of them were stoners, so intellectually it evens out.
[" - Hi Rusty! You don't remember me, do you? You're completely out of it, you can't recognize ANY of us! Not a single one. Did they offer you a plate of spaghetti for joining their protest? Musta bin some righteous revolutionary spliff, huh? - "]

The anti-Zionists of the hour were a coterie or claque of Students for Justice in Palestine, who intended to mark the sixty-first anniversary of Israeli re-independence by screaming angrily at the building which houses the consulate.

Except that there weren't that many pro-Palestinians who showed up. Slightly more than two dozen, with an insufficient number of flags, banners, and signs.
Also there: Lily Haskell's angry and dysfunctional Moroccan friend, who glowered and sulked very prettily. And a corpulent gentleman who reminded me of nothing so much as a prissy Bengali law-clerk.
Plus, of course, Rusty - Telegraph Avenue's very own fossil.

Because we wouldn't move, they moved.

I guess screaming anti-Semitic invective requires actually standing opposite the Zionists.
After repetitious chanting and unimaginative megaphonic insults from the other side of the street, they dribbled away. Over a dozen passers-by thanked us during the course of the event for being there and supporting Israel. Several drivers on Montgomery Street cheered and gave us the thumbs up. We handed out leaflets clarifying our pro-Israel point of view, and answered the questions of curious and supportive strangers.

Let's just say it was a very positive experience. For us, at any rate.


Ari said...

Right on. No territorial concessions.

Tzipporah said...

Good for you.

GRANT!PATEL! said...

So was little Dickie there, are was he having other affairs?

---Grant Patel

GRANT!PATEL! said...

And if not, which one of his butt-monsters infested the rally?

---Grant Patel

GRANT!PATEL! said...

I know, I know! It was the tall bearded one who looks like a viking, right? A tall hero of the proletariat viking!

Oooooh! Delicious, those blond manly men! So very very Stalinesque!

---Grant Priest

Anonymous said...

If that is the tall bearded one of whom I am thinking, yes, he was at that rally. He is one of Becker's goons. Always shows up at the Arab events. What better role for an observer of Becker's middle-eastern lustobjects than as a "volunteer"?

Becker, as is well known, likes handsome earthy people.

Anonymous said...

I think thats Forrest Schmidt.


Oh heck, I missed it! It sounds like it was loads of fun!

Telmac said...

I was the one who got there first and claimed the consulate side! If I had been there minutes later they would have claimed it first. So this post is thanks to me!!!!!!!

Telmac said...

That means that now you owe me one!!!

Telmac said...

And death by noodles, it WAS loads of fun.

conspiratorially amphibious said...

"prissy Bengali law clerk": Grant Patel infiltrating the other side?

The back of the hill said...

Could be. But judging by what he wrote further up the string, I rather doubt it. It sounds like he wasn't there.

But in any case, he should. Communists just LOVE thirdworlders (sorry, Grant, I don't mean that in a stereotypic way), and they'd go all ape over him.

He'd probably end up in fistfight with the prissy Bengali law clerk, however. Most Indians find Bonglobabboos a pain in the gand, and dislike their pretentious intellectualist posing.

The back of the hill said...

Plus there's a very rivalry between Gujoos and Bonglos as to who can be the most irritatingly superior.

Unpleasant pride of place, so to speak.

The back of the hill said...

a very rivalry
Should be 'a very real rivalry'. An intense and sneering competition, in fact.

Anonymous said...

A shame I couldn't make it. I would have loved to chat up Lily.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Lily Haskell was there, better behaved this time. I guess getting arrested put a crimp in her style. Since the rally was in daylight, she didn't make any threats or say anything anti-Semitic. i suppose she only does that under cover of darkness.....

GRANT!PATEL! said...

Ah, Lily, Liliy, Lily, Lily! The anti-Semitic Titwillow!

---Grantley Lamar

lugubriously amphibious said...

Just what we need: people "going ape" over Grant Patel.

The Furburger Sandwich said...

In point of fact, the effervescent and charmingly spiteful Lily Haskell, whom you jocularly refer to as the 'Anti-Semitic Titwillow', is not Teutonic at all (unlike Lily von Shtupp, the original Titwillow), hailing instead from Savannah, Georgia, via Wesleyan College (class of 2004), where she dabbled in sociology. She has gaily infested the Bay Area since early 2007. After some transgender work, she transferred her graciously unkind attentions to the Arab Resource and Organizing Center (AROC), whose much-appreciated racialist tendencies are funded admirably by the Tides Foundation (founded by Drummond Pike in 1976, who would be rolling over in his grave if he knew what his money is being spent on).

Lily is a dedicated radical social activist with experience in "political" organizing and very dubious legal efforts. Since March 21st, 2009, when she and several others were arrested for involvement in a violent anti-Semitic brawl following another one of Richard Becker's hatefilled extravaganzas, Lily has devoted herself to guilty introspection and profound self-doubt, both of which are pursuits in which we wish her every success. We hear that she is also frightfully concerned about her weight, and worried by her pallid complexion. She is still trying to get over her culturally-induced hatred for Jews, Gypsies, Catholics, and Polaks, as well as that giant chip on her shoulder. These are indeed estimable goals. Good luck, Lily!

---Alfie and Aethelred

Bay Area IJAN said...

From: bay.ijsn@gmail.com
Subject: [IJAN Bay Area Announcements] Protest Israel in the Gardens! June 7th!

12pm - 4pm

On June 7th in San Francisco, Yerba Buena will host "Israel in the Gardens". This event will celebrate the state of Israel and its claims to diversity and progressive democracy. We protest this celebration. In reality, Israel's apartheid state is not a thriving democracy but a militarized, violent system that is attempting destruction of the Palestinian people and culture through the colonization of historic Palestine. Further, Israel is fueled by systematic racism against Arabs and Mizrahi Jews. Recently, as the devastating attacks on Gaza exposed Israeli contempt for human life, Zionists and supporters of Israel continued their propaganda and claims to Israel's "Jewish Values" and "progressive Diversity". On June 7th, a gay performer, Ivri Lider, will be headlining at Israel in the Gardens. Queer people reject this exploitation in the service of a racist state. Please join us as we protest this celebration of Israel in SF!

Meet on Mission Street, across from Yerba Buena Gardens at 12pm, Sunday, June 7th!

International Jewish anti-Zionist Network, Bay Area www.ijsn.net

bay.ijsn@gmail.com :: www.ijsn.net

The back of the hill said...

Hey Jaron Browne, Kinneret, Sara, Perry, et al - how does it feel to have put yourself outside the fold? Does it feel good? You all relieved now? Finally getting over the white liberal guilt?

Oh, and how was your anti-Zionist seder among the rabid Presbyterians of Oakland? Was the pizza goooood?

See y'all Sunday. Bring bail money.

Anonymous said...

"Bring Bail Money" turned out to be damned good advice.


How many arests were there, anyway?

Vandalism is a crime, from San francisco to palestine!

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