Tuesday, January 13, 2009


For the business of selling flags, that is. Israeli flags.
Herewith a quote from the Algemeen Dagblad:

"Israëlische vlaggen zijn uitverkocht in Rotterdam. Anti-Israël demonstranten steken ze namelijk geregeld in brand. ADtv vond toch nog een gaaf dundoek."
['Israeli flags are sold out in Rotterdam. Anti-Israel protestors, namely, regularly set them on fire. ADtv did nevertheless find one in still perfect condition.']


There's an embedded video in that article, in which the intrepid reporter goes in search of an Israeli flag, finally finding one in Vlaardingen at a flag-factory.

So, who actually buys Israeli flags in the Netherlands?
Mostly Moroccans.

But not all of them actually set fire to the flags, despite what the article says.
Some of them carefully hide the flag in their backpack, and take it back to Amsterdam. Where they will proudly wave it at soccer-games, especially when Ajax (the Amsterdam soccer team) is playing Feijenoord (Rotterdam) or FC Utrecht. Ajax, as you may remember, is nicknamed 'The Jews' (De Joden).
And Dutch-Moroccan youth from Amsterdam, like all Dutch, besides being rabid soccer-fans also enjoy irritating the spit out of people. Especially their cousins from Rotterdam and Utrecht, who didn't have the sense to live in the capitol city.

After all, every Amsterdammer knows that Rotterdammers are stupid and have venereal diseases, and as for those smelly slope-browed Utrechteners, the less said the better.


NOTE: Here in the Bay Area, most Israeli flags that get burned are of course brutally snatched from the hands of elderly Jews, or stolen after ganging up on an Israel-supporter. But then, we don't have Dutch Moroccans here - we simply have vicious anti-Semites.

Which can be seen on Zombie's site, where there is a report about last Saturday's anti-Israel protest in San Francisco.


Comments on Zombie's report may be left underneath the posting on Zomblog:


One of the things that stands out about almost any anti-Israel protest in the Bay Area is the Nazi-like tendency of the anti-Semites to dress similarly. If one did not know any better, the ever-present keffiyehs would remind one of the Fascists in Italy, or Hitler's thugs. And while that is obviously the intent, the effect is somewhat diminished by the tendency to prove one's unique individuality by tying it around the face as if suffering from a monumental tooth-ache with several hundred similarly afflicted companions.
Take a pill, guys. You look sick.


Anonymous said...

Overigens ben ik van mening dat Rotterdam verboden moet worden! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Citaat: 'Bij gebrek aan een Israëlische vlag werd een Ajax-shirt in de brand gestoken. '

"Absent an Israeli flag, an Ajax shirt was set on fire."

I knew it! Dammed soccer hooligans!

Oh, and Feijenoord sux, by the way.

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