Thursday, January 29, 2009


Fellow San Franciscan blogger Snooky Wong, also known as Death By Noodles, has with great forbearance put up with the suggestive and sometimes crude comments of Grant Patel.
[Her blog:]

For several weeks, the intemperate Patel has lurked in the comments on her blog, leaving his verbal footprints under nearly every post. He has a fetish, and is almost stalker-like in his attentions. And despite discouragement, he proved impossible to shake, impervious to criticism, and deaf to blandishments. He was persistent, and utterly unmoved.

But no longer. She got him good.

Please view Snooky's latest post, in which she skewers the ungentle Patel.

She takes him to task for his meshune and perverse annotations, then provides the intemperate Patel with four tempting links for his unseemly fetish: 'Her Room Lingerie', 'Petite Lingerie', 'Hello Kitty Lingerie', and 'Dreaming of Lingerie'.

The first three links are to stores that sell brassieres and panties, among many other wonderful things. The fourth link takes the reader (the Patel in question) directly to a site discussing erectile dysfunction.

It looks like poor mr. Patel did not appreciate the gentle humour, and is smarting from the jab.

My regular readers will not be surprised to discover that I have been a reader of ms. Wong's blog from nearly the beginning. And have enjoyed her occasional quirky insights.
[The idea of a fellow blogger being a petite Cantonese girl in the same city as oneself is rather delicious, don't you agree?]

Earlier this month, Death By Noodles took issue with some of the protests on the streets of San Francisco.
And here:

Significant quote from the second post:
"But some of the older men on the blue and white flag side looked nice. Pinker, too.
They are cute with their little colored beanies."

A better argument for wearing a kippah can scarce be found.

That day I wore no yarmulke, alas, and in consequence I fear she did not notice me at all. I was invisible.

She may have been the charming young lady with a doggie who sat a little distance off on our side of the street. But I will probably never know.
Next time, a keppel. It is necessary.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:

All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


J. "יהוא בן יהושפט בן נמשי" Izrael said...

Seems like you have a fetish noticing stupid comments and ignoring matter-of-factly ones.

To the main point: how to tell if a Dunhill is real or the Orlik crap?
(gosh, why couldn't Davidoff take over for them?)

Anonymous said...

Grant Patel is a very crude man.

Dr. Douglas said...

Everyone talks about nothing here. Erectile Dysfunction is a serious matter, most men do not know that a solution already exists in the form of Butea Superba. Take a look at where it can be obtained in pill form. It improves sexual performance in 8 out of 10 men who use it.

Tzipporah said...

ha ha ha ha ha
BoTH, you're getting ED spam comments!

The back of the hill said...

Seems like you have a fetish noticing stupid comments and ignoring matter-of-factly ones.

To the main point: how to tell if a Dunhill is real or the Orlik crap?
(gosh, why couldn't Davidoff take over for them?)

Objectively, I have to assert that I believe Orlik did a better job of making Dunhill than Gallagher ever did. The major difference is the "weight" of some of the blending tobaccos. Further, the criticism of Orlik started mere weeks after the deal was made - nearly a year before the Orlik production reached the consumers. What this means is that Gallagher was already winding down long before the transfer. And hence neither aging their tobaccos as carefully, nor preparing them correctly. So there are in fact three Dunhill's - Gallagher before closure of the plant was planned, Gallagher during the wind-down of operations, Orlik.

Telling them apart is problematic.

Gallagher's tins state 'made in the UK', and only have a small rectangular label on the bottom: "Net Weight 50g/1 1/4 oz - Pipe Tobacco - U.S. Distributors LANE LIMITED - Tucker, Ga 30084".
Orlik's tins state in a round label on the bottom "made in the EU", lake the round white bottom label all of their products have.
But when Gallagher closed down, the stock of unused enamel tins was shipped to Orlik. Hence there are tins that were validly made in the UK, with contents produced by Orlik. Some of the already mixed stock and blending tobaccos were also shipped to Orlik - so for some of the mixtures, there are intermediate blends, part Gallagher, part Orlik.

Davidoff, by the way, does not manufacture their own pipe-tobacco. Some of their blends were made by the Dutch, some by the Danes. The Dutch Davidoff's have now also moved to Denmark.

The back of the hill said...

Everyone talks about nothing here. Erectile Dysfunction is a serious matter, most men do not know that a solution already exists in the form of Butea Superba. Take a look at where it can be obtained in pill form. It improves sexual performance in 8 out of 10 men who use it.

Steve, you blistering moron - did you even read the post? Please take your naturally flacid membranes, and your snake oil, and go elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Gonsa meshug


Anonymous said...

"Steve" is also a very crude man.

Anonymous said...

You, sir, are an evil turd.

---Gratel Pant

J. "יהוא בן יהושפט בן נמשי" Izrael said...

OK, so one way or another my only choice is to open it.
The Orlik stuff won't do on eBay, and you claim Orlik's not all that bad... Those are still available here and there.

I don't ever remember trying the My Mixture 965. So I may as well give it a try. I do like the light flake and Royal Yacht. Remember, the tin thing is fairly new to me. I used to get only the store stuff in the past. Only when I discovered I had a fetish for tins and that I could get a much bigger choice online without my stupid tobacconist's exorbitant prices (+ exorbitant NYS tobacco tax & sales tax) did I switch to mostly tins. I Still use some of the store stuff tho'.

Favorites so far include McBaren cube, McClelleand Honeydew, Paterson Irish Oak, Dunhill Light Flake, C&D Black Dawg.

Anonymous said...

Faugh, I say. Faugh.

---Grisham Proteless

Anonymous said...

And double and triple faugh. All buggery.

---Pronker Garthamsnoot

Spiros said...

Who exactly is an evil turd?

The back of the hill said...

I don't ever remember trying the My Mixture 965. So I may as well give it a try.

It is in many ways similar to Westminster (GLPease), Maltese Falcon (GLPease) and Red Odessa (Cornell & Diehl). All three are fine old-fashioned English blends with a high Latakia content, Turkish (Smyrna) playing a sound role, and Virginias forming the base. If you like Squadron Leader (Samuel Gawith) or the Commonwealth Mixture (Samuel Gawith), you would like these, as well as the Dunhill 965, London Mixture, and Dunhill Standard Mixture Medium. The Dunhills are a bit lighter, as the Virginias are not as well-matured.

I do like the light flake and Royal Yacht.
Ah, two entirely different products. The light flake is reminiscent of the Lakeland flakes, as well as some of the other Bright Virginia and Red Virginia presses. Naught compares to Royal Yacht save for some Dutch stuff which has not been available in decades.

Favorites so far include McBaren cube, McClelleand Honeydew, Paterson Irish Oak, Dunhill Light Flake, C&D Black Dawg.

You seem to head into Virginia territory. That being the case, I suspect that Dunhill 965 will make you spew.
Try the Samuel Gawith flakes instead. The Golden Glow (pale pressed Virginia) and the Best Brown Flake (pressed African flue-cured, a little fuller than the Golden Glow) are probably right up your alley. But if you appreciate Lakeland flakes (top-dressed, the so-called 'soapy' tobaccos), you will also enjoy the Special Flake No. 1, which is "perfumey" and as sweet as a darkish flake can get. The Kendall Cream Flake, which is composed of heavily steamed and pressed Burleys and Virginias with a top-dressing is also interesting. Similar in idea to the Peterson Irish Flake, but distinctly more English. Has a noticeable nicotine kick - Virginias are medium range nicotine-wise, Burleys head into full.

J. "יהוא בן יהושפט בן נמשי" Izrael said...

I guess I am with tobacco as with music - I don't stick to one specific style nor b(r)and. So for me Bebop, Chicago Blues, fusion, modern Jazz, heavy metal, British bules and funk can hit the spot if they're good to my taste.

Same with tobacco - I'm perfectly fine with several kinds. If there's one thing I lean towrds, it's those with distinct flavor, and no tongue burn. Hence I still haven't forgiven you for the Paterson Sherlock Holmes. I like a lot of sweet black cavendish as well as Latakia mixtures - in fact the American companies do good job of those without adhereing to the traditional English/Oriental formula. Hence McClelleand Frog Morton on the Pond & Bayou, Syrian Super Balkan and C&D Black Dawg, Black Duck & DaVinci hit the spot pretty well.
And yes, Gawith Squadron Leader is an ever winner. You can smoke it full speed all day long without hurting yourself.

Anonymous said...

First a gibber-rant about a teenage girlie without panties, then a long diskvisition about tobacco without panties.


---Gradwick Prontoghast

Anonymous said...

Oh, and Raoul Duke is a bitch.

---Gruman Parentile


Atboth, thanks for the link!

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