Thursday, January 29, 2009


Found a very insightful video, courtesy of Aussie Dave.

War Protests or Pro-Hamas Hate Rallies?

Annotation accompanying the video
Thousands of people have participated in demonstrations throughout the country that are critical of Israel's military incursion into Gaza. Thousands gathered January 10 in Washington's Lafayette Park. A coalition of national Muslim-American groups, including the Muslim American Society and the Council on American-Islamic Relations, who organized bus caravans to bring protesters to the capital.

Rather than simply take issue with the battle in Gaza, demonstrators in Washington, D.C., New York, Chicago, Cleveland, Anaheim, Houston and other cities repeatedly have engaged in ugly hate speech and chants that echo the goals and dogma of Hamas and other terrorist groups.

Fistfights and chants calling for the murder of Jews and invoking the Holocaust expose the true motivation behind distressingly large segments of the protesters. After all, the conflict Israel wages is against Hamas, a terrorist organization whose charter contains virulent anti-Semitism, calls for Israel's destruction and rejects any peaceful settlement to the conflict.

As this report shows, radical, hateful attacks have been prominent in rallies across the country.

*This video was produced by Steve Emerson and The Investigative Project on Terrorism.

Quote from that site:
FBI Cuts Off CAIR Over Hamas Questions
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has cut off contacts with the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) amid mounting concern about the Muslim advocacy group’s roots in a Hamas-support network, the Investigative Project on Terrorism has learned.
According to a letter from the FBI field office in Oklahoma City, "certain issues must be addressed to the satisfaction of the FBI" by CAIR's national office before the freeze is rescinded.


Aussie Dave blogs at:

He's a friend of Jameel, who blogs at:

NOTE: What was quite obvious here in San Francisco was that such events were organized hate rallies. Whether they were pro-Hamas hate rallies, or just plain old-fashioned hate rallies is debatable. That they were hate rallies is not.
There is no question that the organizers and sponsors of those rallies, including International ANSWER, Jewish Voice for Peace, Bay Area Women in Black, and many Arab organizations, are anti-Semitic and racist.


Tzipporah said...

Hey, Death by Noodles, you want happy food posts, come over to my place:

Anonymous said...

I do NOT have erectile dysfunction! Whoever implied that hes no knowledge of my sexual energies whatsoever! I am in every way the perfect specimen!

---Plenter Grampoey

Anonymous said...

My vote counts. And I say take that evil minks off your blogroll. You devote FAR TOO MUCH time to the huggable Cantonese bints. It is a shandah!

A married man should not behave thus.

I, however, am unmerried, and can get away wiuth anything. In order to make a shidduck. All is fair. I will haunt the girl, until she is of age. Whereupon I will either woo her fiercely, or lose interest entirely. And then she will know.

---Germant Permental

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