Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Crisis unfolding in Sri Lanka - A major crisis is unfolding in northern Sri Lanka with a quarter of a million people trapped by fighting, the Red Cross says.


Quote: The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) estimates that hundreds of people have been killed in fighting between troops and separatist rebels.

And: Speaking in Geneva, the ICRC's head of operations for South Asia, Jacques de Maio, said the civilian population was paying the price for the conflict.

"We talk about approximately a quarter of a million persons who are fundamentally trapped in a very small restricted perimeter - 250 sq km [96 sq m] - which is the theatre of very intense combat".


This is a truly frightful situation. Wherefore I absolutely expect masses of Berkeleyites and International ANSWER members to take to Bay Area streets decrying this slaughter.
The targeting of innocent civilians justifiably excites their ire, nay, their compassion.
It gets their blood boiling, they cannot help themselves, they must protest this cruelty.

Well, where are your guys?

I'm waiting.

I'm still waiting!

Perhaps another quote will spur you?

Pro-rebel sources have previously accused the army of killing hundreds of civilians with shellfire - allegations the military denies.

Well then.
Surely Tamils deserve the same consideration if not more than the civilians of Gaza?
No? Are you sure? You're not just being racist, are you?
You really think it's all peachy over there, and you are not at all concerned?


Oh, I forgot - Tamils are the Jews of Sri-Lanka, and therefore not worthy of the intellectual pretentiousness of the good people of Berkeley.

You guys ARE racists.



Stop getting so angry all the time. It's not good to read.
Chill, big dude. Chill.

Anonymous said...

"Surely Tamils deserve the same consideration if NOT MORE than the civilians of Gaza?"
Why do you think that the value of a life of a Tamil might be more than the civilian in Gaza? A life is a life doesnt matter is an Americans, Jews , Tamils , Palestinians, Koreans etc . Or just like you said in your previous post you your self might be racist. And I tend to agree.

Anonymous said...

Anon - Get off your soapbox. Stop practicing the soft racism of low expectations when it comes to the behavior and morals of africans, southeast asians, arabs, etc. And stop practicing the hard racism of unreasonable expectations for israelis (code word for da "joos")

The back of the hill said...

"Surely Tamils deserve the same consideration if NOT MORE than the civilians of Gaza?"
Why do you think that the value of a life of a Tamil might be more than the civilian in Gaza? A life is a life doesnt matter is an Americans, Jews , Tamils , Palestinians, Koreans etc . Or just like you said in your previous post you your self might be racist. And I tend to agree.

My dear Anonymous,

Why the same if not more? Because unlike the citizens of Gaza, over sixty percent of whom support the extermination of Jews, and many of whom actively contribute towards that aim, the Tamils are largely caught in a war not of their own making. Now, read my sentence which you quoted carefully - does it say that their lives are indeed worth more? No. It says "if not more". To me, their lives are indeed worth infinitely more. But I do not objectively pose that, as I realize that it is entirely a subjective point of view. Hence the phrasing in my post. Reading is an art.

And yes, after being called a dog numerous times, and having been spat on, I probably am a racist. Would it surprise you to know that at this point the society of Arabs (and especially Palestinians) does not enchant me?

Having been threatened at every single pro-Israel event in the last eight years has probably done more to disabuse me of an excess of consideration for the Arab side than almost anything else. Staring hatred in the face is much more effective in that regard than any amount of written blather from either side.

Now, why aren't you and your comrades out there screaming your outrage at the slaughter of innocents in Sri Lanka? Could it be because you are obsessed with Jews? Could it be a reflection of a despicable double standard? Could it be that, in your eyes, the death of Tamils counts for infinitely less than that even a single Gazan death?

Do you hold Israel to a higher standard, and in that aim deliberately ignore the failings of other nations? Do you in fact not care what non-white countries do to their own people? Are you a flaming hypocrite?

Yes, you do, and yes, you most certainly are. And you are probably a Berkeleyite.

Kryg de kolere, vunzig stuk schyt.

Anonymous said...

Could it be because you are obsessed with Jews?

As a matter of actual fact, the blogger here is NOT obsessed with Jews. By no means - ATBOTH's only obsession is probably panties in size teenager.

As is abundantly attested in many posts.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...



Atboth isn't NEARLY as obsessed with panties as either mr. Patel, or the wombattant amphibian.

Ever see a frog in panties?
Not pretty.


Wait a sec. If Atboth's nickname is Toad, and there's a commenter who styles himself amphibiously....

ATBOTH, are you having us on?!?!

Anonymous said...

Lev? are you out there?

Anonymous said...

"Because unlike the citizens of Gaza, over sixty percent of whom support the extermination of Jews"

Where do you get that figure?

Anonymous said...

Ari said "stop practicing the hard racism of unreasonable expectations for israelis "

Asking the Israelis to stop murdering civilians and depriving a people of their basic needs is considered as unreasonable?

Anonymous said...

"Could it be that, in your eyes, the death of Tamils counts for infinitely less than that even a single Gazan death?"

A life is a life, it doesnt matter what nationality they are from. In case of Palestinian problem the international community has fail to solve the problem for too long.

Anonymous said...

"after being called a dog numerous times..." "and having been spat on,....."
"Having been threatened at every single pro-Israel event in the last eight years"...."Staring hatred in the face...... "

It is pity that you have to go through that experience. But still it is nothing in comparason with what the Rohingya, the palestinians, the Iraqis, the Afghans , blacks, etc have to go through.

Anonymous said...


For many years religion based hate crimes overwhelmingly have been directed against Jews and Jewish institutions. Yes, even in the post 9/11 era.

Yet Jews aren't on your list of "worthy victims"

Why not?

The back of the hill said...

Where do you get that figure?

Poll-figures, both recent and over the course of the last several years. You can look them up yourself.

Asking the Israelis to stop murdering civilians and depriving a people of their basic needs is considered as unreasonable?

Asking Palestinian nutballs to stop firing rockets at civilians, asking them to cease attempting to either blow up or kidnap Israelis, and asking them to abstain from internecine bloodshed - and the deliberate use of schools, hospitals, and mosques as weapons dumps, jihadi bastions, and hiding places - as well as the endemic corruption, favoritism, and sponsorship of extremists - is unreasonable?
And their basic needs are largely taken care of by the UN, except for the water and electricity which they seem to expect as a right from Israel. Their basic needs should be their own concern. Yet they appear to be unconcerned about these - and justifiably so, as the international community insists that either the Israelis provide, or persist in dumping European and American tax money into the pockets of people who refuse to take charge of their own lives. Longest running refugee crisis - largely due to Arab nations and Europeans refusing to realistically face facts. Sephardim, Mizrahim, and Yemenite Jews, all refugees, have been absorbed into Israel. All expelled from Arab lands since 1948. And yet...... the Arabs refuse to accept fellow Arabs, born in Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Irak, Saudi Arabia, and elsewhere, as citizens. Though they will gladly employ them as engineers, doctors, teachers - and, it has to be said, proxies in their own internecine quarrels. Remember, the Lebanese civil war was funded by all the Arab nations, advancing their own causes on the blood of Lebanese - Christians, Druze, Shiite, and Sunni - both "native" and "Palestinian". Would it not seem that the Arabs would rather fund mutual murder than solve any of the crises of their own making?
Why does the world tolerate this? Why does the world remain silent when Arab kills Arab (6 million in the past six decades), yet squawk outrageously when Israel is forced to finally deal with an untenable situation?
Is it not reasonable to ask, nay demand, that the Arabs face facts, reject their own perverse denialism, and finally pursue more realistic policies?

The back of the hill said...

A life is a life, it doesn't matter what nationality they are from. In case of Palestinian problem the international community has fail to solve the problem for too long.
Why does the international community need to deal with it? It is an Arab internal issue - Israel won the war of independence, the Arabs still refuse to deal with that victory. Israel's existence is a fact. Yet the Arabs wish to destroy her, and turn back the clock.
And besides, why should you even expect the international community to deal with it? They haven't dealt well or even acceptably with any other problems.
Jewish refugees from the Arab world? The internationals said not a thing, and did less.
East Timor? Ignored for a generation, then the independence issue was messily resolved, the safety of the Timorese after the vote insufficiently protected, and the Indonesian occupying forces and their murder gang goons inadequately reined in.
Tibet? Not a peep.
Rwanda? A monumental international failure.
Liberia? Bla, mmm, lets go back to sleep.
Congo? Say what? Just those people. Sleep.
Sex traffic? Oh well, just brown women.
The Drug trade? Meh.
Discrimination against, and the casual murder of, the Gypsies in eastern Europe? Well, 'that is a local problem, and we, the international community firmly resolve to go back to sleep'.

The back of the hill said...

It is pity that you have to go through that experience. But still it is nothing in comparison with what the Rohingya, the Palestinians, the Iraqis, the Afghans , blacks, etc have to go through.
Did I already mention that the international community has failed to deal adequately with many problems?
And what do those problems, in any case, have to do with the behaviour of activists on the streets of America? I could see your point if the Rohinga, Palestinians, Iraqis, and blacks were stuck in refugee camps in Oakland and San Leandro, or faced hardship, uncertainty, and hunger in San Francisco. But they don't. The threats, phlegm, and verbal brutality, however, do occur here. These are problems here. And the people who created these problems are here. The people who enable it, and encourage it, and even share in the fundamental hatreds that fuel it, are here.

And you are part of that. You enable that. You have probably stood by, and said naught, when the most reprehensible slogans were yelled, the most diseased ideologies were voiced, and the crowd happily cheered the anti-Semitic utterances of ANSWER organizers, second generation Palestinian youth, and ..... Hatem Bazian.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that the Palestinians cannot be absorbed by their various Arab hosts? In India, we accepted millions of people expelled from their homes in what is now Paki bollocky Punjab, we accepted the Kashmiri pandits ethnically cleansed by the Lashkar e Toiba and other Muslim Jihadi groups, we have accepted Tibetans, Bangladeshis, and many others.

Surely the Arabs, those generous exemplars of that peqaceful religion, can accept their cousins? Their brothers, even? Aren't most Palestinians by birth either Syrian or Lebanese? And Jodran is over half Palestinian?

Is it, perhaps, their reprehensible record of supporting extremists and invaders that makes them so unwanted?
I remember what the Palestinians in Kuwait did when Sadam invaded - they stood by the side of the road cheering the Irak tanks, they pointed out the homes of local officals, they participated in the gang rapes of the mothers, sisters, and daughters of Kuwaiti sheiks. Then they looted, set fires, and plundered as fit their fancy.

Palestinian internal politics seem to have much in common with lynch-gangs besides. Which Palestinian politician does not fear the assasins of a rival gang? Which Palestinian leader does not surround himself with guards and goons? Which Palestinian notable dares to walk the streets of any Arab city whithout fearing other Palestinians?

All in all, a failure as a people, though a remarkable success as a gangster cult.

And their supporters in the Western world are scarce better. Thugs, goons, useful idiots, and traitors.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

These events are brought to you by the Gaza Solidarity Coalition, and sponsored by:
Afghan Student Association, Arab Resource & Organizing Center, Arab Student Union, Islamic Awareness, Muslim Student Association, Pakistani Student Association, Students for Justice in Palestine, Turkic Student Association ---

In other words, the usual gang of Paki bastards. And their incestuous bitch kinfolk. Much as could be expected.

Looks like Berkeley has become a suburb of Islamabad. I wonder how many ISI agents are active in these groups. And I would not be suprised to find a member of the Lashkar e Taiba in every single one of these front-groups.

Screw the Muslims.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

By screw the Muslims I mean screw them metaphorically. Wouldn't touch the sods, even wearing a tarp.

Nasty disgusting barbarians. One step removed from dog-fuckers and cannibals.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

"And their basic needs are largely taken care of by the UN"

But the Israelis Bomb them too.

Anonymous said...

"Yet Jews aren't on your list of "worthy victims" Why not?"

Yes the Jews is in the list. But now they are the perpetrator at Gaza.

Anonymous said...

"Asking Palestinian nutballs to stop firing rockets at civilians.... is unreasonable?

That is very reasonable. But than the cycle of violence must be stop by somebody. The blockade of Gaza must be lifted so that they can earn on their own keep.

Anonymous said...

"Why does the international community need to deal with it? It is an Arab internal issue - Israel won the war of independence......"

Somebody must tell the arabs that that Israel must exist peacefully . The Israel also must be tell that the Palestine too has a right to exist peacefully. The world and America included must support for peace and must not support violence or abstain from either side.
If this problem cannot be solve or sholve everything under the carpet than the problem might get out of control. Even people who live at the back of the hill cannot sleep peacefully.

Anonymous said...

"They haven't dealt well or even acceptably with any other problems"

That doesnt that they have to just give up.

Anonymous said...

"Arab nations and Europeans refusing to realistically face facts"

Both sides : the Israels and the American in one side and the rest of the world the other side must realistically face facts. Thats the only way to go for peace sake. Everybody must take the side of peace not hate and violence. And it must begin from us, you and me.

Anonymous said...

"Everybody must take the side of peace not hate and violence. And it must begin from us, you and me."


Thats why the talk in Oakland was so egregious- solidarity should be built working side by side on issues of mutual aid, not by creating distrust through lies, demonization and hate. The way to elevate the Palestinian people is not by attacking the Israeli people- it is by convincing the Palestinians that their future lies on the path of peace.

The true moderates on this side must reject the extremists on both sides- and those that scream for jihad on the streets of OAkland and the Streets of San Francisco are indeed the extremists.

Anonymous said...

I am by no means off my meds. Who told you that?!?!

---Preston Grommervink

Anonymous said...

"The true moderates on this side must reject the extremists on both sides"

Thank GOD somebody is listening...

Anonymous said...

That makes the support of extremists such as Hamas the more baffling, especially inplaces like Berkeley - how can allegedly intelligent people voice any support at all for a religious hate group that seeks the destruction of another ethnicity?

I expect such idiocy from Europeans, who, after all, have vast experience in such matters. But Berkeley has never to my knowledge engaged in venomous race-hate. Untill now. Absolutley the most anti-Semitic campus in the system, with the exception of Santa Cruz.

But nobody takes UC Santa Cruz seriously anyhow.

---Grant Patel

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