Wednesday, January 07, 2009


The following is a message from San Francisco Voice for Israel.


Counter Protest International ANSWER's Anti-Israel Demonstration

This Saturday January 10
San Francisco at the Civic Center Plaza (we will gather on Polk between Larkin and McAllister Sts, directly in front of City Hall).
Meet at 11:00 AM

Once again, the streets of the Bay Area are filled with hate when Israel defends itself. International ANSWER and other anti-Israel groups in the area are claiming Israel's actions in Gaza are "genocide" . Groups protesting against Israel last week chanted "Itbach al Yahud" (slaughter the Jews) and "Falastin balad'na w'al Yahud qalab'na" (Palestine is our land and the Jews are our dogs), clear anti-Semitic hate speech.

The groups sponsoring these demonstrations demonize Israel, endorse Israel's destruction, and justify the terrorist acts against Israel that caused the current situation. In particular, International ANSWER is the group that forced its own racist, anti-Semitic propaganda on those who wanted to march just to oppose the war in Iraq. While SF Voice for Israel takes no position on the Iraq war, we oppose ANSWER's manipulation of the antiwar movement and its demonization of Israel. Previous ANSWER demonstrations have been notable for vicious anti-Israel, anti-Semitic and pro-terror signs, speakers and chants.

San Francisco Voice for Israel/Stand With Us will stand against the anti-Israel/pro-terrorism voices. Our presence at these events has proven highly effective at countering their message and making sure that the anti-Israel activists can not push their propaganda on the public unopposed! In addition, when the local media cover these demonstrations, they always film our presence so that the public can see that supporters of Israel are willing to stand up for the truth. (Those of you who were there with us last week even had your presence noted on

We know that many in our community will be unable to join us because this is on Shabbat. While we will never schedule our own events on Shabbat, we are standing up against the anti-Israel hate groups that usually schedule their protests for Saturdays, specifically to try to minimize the Jewish community response.
We will meet at 11 AM and stay until ANSWER leaves Civic Center Plaza to march through the streets. We do not encourage anyone to march near them in counterprotest once they leave the Civic Center area, as we cannot assure adequate police protection should elements in their rally decide to start a rampage.

Please bring your noisemakers, flags, and signs, AND please wear BLUE and WHITE. As always, feel free to make your own signs but please no signs or graphics offensive to any racial or ethnic group including but not limited to Arabs, Islam, or Palestinians in general. Signs in violation of our policies will not be allowed.

Demand an end to Palestinian rocket attacks against Israeli civilians!
Demand Cpl Gilad Shalit be returned home safely!
Demand Hamas put an end to terror attacks!
Demand an end to the deligitimization and demonization of Israel!
Demand that Hamas choose peace so that the Palestinian people can have a future!

San Francisco Voice for Israel/Stand With Us

for further information or questions: e-mail us at




The anti-Israel demonstration which we will be counterprotesting is sponsored by the usual organizations: The ANSWER Coalition, Free Palestine Alliance, Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation, National Council of Arab Americans and Al-Awda-International Palestine Right to Return Coalition.
All of them seek the destruction of the United States and Israel. The first one listed (ANSWER) is the largest anti-Semitic hate-group in California.

Please also note that Bay Area Women in Black (BAWIB), Queers Undermining Isreali Terror (QUIT), and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) have repeatedly endorsed the anti-American, anti-Semitic, and anti-Israel messages of the sponsors listed above, as well as stood in solidarity during speeches in favour of various terrorist groups, and while racist slogans (such as 'itbach al Yahud') where chanted.
It is time to call them to account for their support of bigotry and hate.

"If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, then what am I? And if not now, when?"
-----Rabbi Hillel


Anonymous said...

Probably the best explanation of why there is not, and should not be, a Palestinian state:

Quote: "... setting the Palestinians on their only realistic path toward long-term prosperity — by making clear that statehood is absolutely off the table until the Palestinians convincingly abandon terrorism, acknowledge Israel’s right to exist, rescind or amend all covenants to the contrary, and demonstrably overhaul their institutions (especially their media and education systems) in a manner that conveys their commitment to this new state of affairs."

Omeyn ve omeyn.

terminator said...

I have a Ph.D in Physics and I am good with numbers, however the Arabs seems to have a problem. How can a people that live somewhere for 3,000 years cannot be the owners of that land. This is Arab stealing gone wild.

Also in the Bay area the situation is critical not only do we have the Neo Nazi's , but also the liberal organizations that are also very anti israel like the answer coalition.

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