Tuesday, September 25, 2018


This past week we learned far too much about the reproductive organs of powerful people. The president's thingy looks like a mushroom cartoon character, his pick for supreme court has a thingy that when put in someone else's face is repulsive and rubbery, and Mitch McConnell is one.
Okay, 'nuff said. Republicans.

In today's America you can get away with almost anything if you are white and privileged.

My opinion of the cigar-smokers at work is at a very low ebb.
For the past few days they've been worse than usual.
Something which should not surprise you.

Today is my Saturday, and I should be fully recovered by Thursday, when the Republican Party will have rammed through approval of a sniveling prep-school sex-offender whom they trust, because whoa Nelly do they have the goods on him and he's adept at kissing all the right behinds.
Plus he's gotten better since his school years, honest!

If I win the lottery, I too will be white and privileged.

And if that happens, I'm still not visiting most of the country, because in all honesty those people and their moral standards are not up to snuff. Their religious people, law officers, and civil authorities cannot be trusted.
They keep voting for swine, and their tastes are bestial.
They are Fox Broadcasting's chosen people.

I blame Bourbon and Christianity for this.
Plus the shitty beer y'all drink.
And American football.

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