Tuesday, September 04, 2018


Until today I did not even know they had a psychiatric hospital in Alameda County, where Oakland is located. I thought they simply let all the nuts run around free, like we do here in San Francisco. Or voted them into office.
But, thanks to Jennifer Schulte losing her sh*t, the existence of that excellent facility is now something of which I am aware.

The tape of Jennifer Schulte ("Barbecue Becky") calling to ask for police protection from people has been released.

I am blaming the blacks. If they would just stop being black, especially in public, Jennifer would still have the reputation of being a sane person.
There would have been no suggestion that she ever was, or possibly would be, in a mental facility. It's all their fault. Those black people.

Blackage, very obviously, is the problem.

Stop doing stuff when black.


As Rick James with his dirty cowboy boots on the couch proved.

He just looked straight into their eyes when he ground his dirt into the suede upholstery. Them darknesses held him down while they just whaled on his legs. Delirious mo***s, cold as ice, dark midnight evil! Black magic!

Becky called because people like Rick James need help.

We need a go-fund-me to help Jennifer Schulte get her life back together after all trauma and heartache she's been through, she needs help.
And Charlie and Eddie Murphy want a new couch.
Darknesses, bitch.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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