Monday, September 24, 2018


At one thirty in the morning the only sound is a cricket in the air well. While warming up some water for a spot of tea and smoking a cigarillo it was clearly audible, but from the teevee room it cannot be heard. Normally I associate that chirping with warmer times, not with the somewhat chilly night time temperature that we have now. It is loud and hopeful.
Some years I don't hear that sound at all.
I did not expect it this Autumn.
It's cold outside.

Last year the temperatures in San Francisco at this time were oppressive, the heat lasted well into October, and even long after dark it was tee-shirt weather.

This morning when I was heading to work, and in the evening returning home, I noticed overturned garbage receptacles. These are heavy concrete standers, which would need the strength of three or four drunken fratboy types or one very demented chappie on something. I suspect that it actually was the latter, because the fratboys largely confine themselves to Silicon Gulch, and, sad to say, demented people are a dime a dozen.

They'll probably die of exposure soon.

Note to the rest of the country: kindly stop sending us your loonies by one-way ticket. We do not need them, and surely you have the wherewithal to take care of them in your part of the world? We keep hearing tales about how y'all are so much better than us, they are probably unhappy here.
And they're your relatives, you should cherish them!

We'd rather hear the chirping of crickets.
We're not that interested in you.
Or your mad men.


Same goes 100% for your partying frat boy types who moved here after graduating, or pot-smoking trustfunders, as well as your large lumbering kinfolk visiting us for colour. Sorry, we just don't have enough tofu and bacon to feed y'all.

Places with four seasons are beautiful at this time of year.
Lovely fall colours, and gentle breezes!
The East Coast, late summer!

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