Saturday, September 29, 2018


Very few black guys at a job interview will boast that they like beer in an angry and aggrieved way. Red-faced, weeping, belligerent. Black guys aren't crazy and entitled enough to think that that is in any way appropriate behaviour when you are facing your prospective employers, however Brett Kavanaugh isn't black. Not quite sure what he is. A member of an ethnic group that might disavow him, because he's too old at this point to slap sense into. But anyway he likes beer. He loves beer. Beer and him are like so! That was one of the things Thursday's soap opera made clear, along with the fact that Lindsey Graham is a buffoon and mentally unstable.

The television was on at work on Thursday, so I now know how much some republicans like beer, oh boy! And Lindsey Graham needs to be medicated.


Today, when I came home, my apartment mate was in her jammies, having done nothing all day except nap, eat, and watch point by point analyses of Thursday's events. And read all about it from several angles on the internet. From which she logically deduces that Kavanaugh is skeevy as all git-out,
the republicans are evil, opportunistic, and out of their minds.
And Don Lemon is a disturbingly good looking man.
A very attractive and likable dude.

Unlike Kavanaugh, who comes off as a mean vindictive bastard.
There was considerably more, all very carefully nuanced.
She has studied and understood the material.

We discussed it while I fixed myself dinner.

She is clearly more balanced and rational about all this than Kavanaugh and Graham, who between them proved that beer and medication need a carefully calibrated judgment of dosages, especially during the daylight hours, and when there is a television audience.

Go ahead, watch Kavanaugh again.

"Everybody is SO unfair, I deserve this job, I like beer, sniff sniff, I got into Yale, sniff, my little daughter prayes for the souls of sinners, my lovely wife, beer, many women actually like me, why are you being so mean to me, sniff sniff sniff, I really like beer, don't you like beer, there's something wrong with you, I worked so hard, I go to church, every body likes beer, the Clintons, conspiracy, mean, sniff sniff beer, first in my class, beer. Sniff sniff."

"Beer, sniff, my family has been through hell, you don't understand, beer, sniff sniff sniff, all boys, I respect women, beer, beer. You have unleashed the whirlwind, boy are you going to be sorry! Beer! Sniff sniff sniff."

"The Democrats, waa! The Clintons, waa! The media!"
"Revenge, for years and years!"

I am a puritan; I never drink beer during lunch.

Yay, beer!

Post Scriptum: Until today, I had no idea who Don Lemon was, as I almost never watch news programmes, preferring instead to visit Reuters, AP, the BBC website, several Dutch and German newspapers, and both the Washington Post and the New York Times.

Lindsey Graham has so many screws loose that he rattles.
Don Lemon is indeed rather good looking.
Kavanaugh acts like an angry rat.

And really likes beer.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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