Monday, March 07, 2016


One must think the best about one's fellows, despite all evidence to the contrary. Even if they are a small sock-sheep with a reputation for knavery and opportunism. Such as the creature perched upon my wallet this morning. Who asserted that there was no reason for alarm, and it was quite ungentlemanly of me to question his motives.
He was trying to help!

"I'm just babysitting Mr. Wallet so he doesn't feel neglected. Honest!!!"

I know he's previously attempted to extract the rectangular plasticky thing inside, which will allow him to access commercial sites on the internet.

Lord only knows what he would buy. One day I'll come home and find the apartment awash in candied butter sticks, much like a potsmoker's basement digs, somewhere where they love candied butter sticks.
Which I think is the Midwest.

They probably also have lutefisk crisps, dingles, and puffs there, along with toasted ravioli on a stick, and knefla shots, but he's got a sweet tooth, rather than an adventurous palate.

The point is, I do not want my credit ruined and my apartment filled with sugar and rancid butter. And I distrust the little goober.
He always has that guilty look.

[BTW: Knefla are rather like spaetzli or kneppels, being a dough-based cross between a dumpling and pasta. They are cooked by poaching, either in a soup, or in salted water.]

It is FAR too early in the morning for such chicanery. I'll let the other small creatures remonstrate with him. I had a tinned meat and braised mustard greens sandwich last night, I need a cup of coffee.

Peristalsis; it's better than theft.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Bill said...

Do you still read DovBear? Did you read about the rabbi who venomously vituperated Machzor Shivchei Yeshurun, because it used proper English, spelling the word "Christian" with a capital C?

The back of the hill said...

I fear I don't cruise into Dovbear's blog nearly as often as I should.

Great quote: "Fire, I suppose, is only found among the sloppy and disheveled."

I think we've seen enough fire in the past six months of presidential campaigning to tire us of fire alone, with all eloquence, poetry, form, or coherence.

Poetry is NOT the "last refuge of the cricket-hating sodomite", as some of the British would hold, but rather a splendid way of making words come alive, and making the message memorable.

But that is probably my apikorsus speaking.

Bill said...

Can you post that comment as a blogpost, please? (Perhaps with some background, if necessary for comprehension of the post?)

Bill said...

I really would appreciate it as a post. I enjoyed your comment, and it's must easier to find in the future if it's a full-fledged post, which can then be searched in the blog-search tool on the top left of the page. Thanx so much.

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