Thursday, August 28, 2014


"How horrid! Subjugated to the sterile embraces of a poofter bug!" That was the reaction of a friend upon hearing of the new relationship of a mutual acquaintance. What made it remarkable was not the mental image of an exceptionally well-endowed young lady entwined with a long-limbed artist or dried-up stick insect, but the fact that he had in the past evinced little regard for the little sex-bombe in question.
Being himself rather one hundred percent gay.
I've actually met his long-time companion.
His predilection is not in question.

But like many gay men of a certain type, he has exaggerated ideas about what women need. And to a large extent he lives vicariously through the sexual shenanigans of his friends. Regarding myself, he is disappointed and destined to remain so, because whatever happens there won't be any juicy divulgement. Ever. In a million years. But in the case of our mutual acquaintance, she lives life out loud.
Oh boy howdy.

Her current beau is older and calmer than the one two years ago.
From what little I have seen, he seems like a rather nice fellow.
Far be it from me to judge, much though I too am tempted.

My friend likes to encourage people; "fergawdsakes, get a room!"

I've also heard him utter the phrase "rub it up, rub it up!"

The new bloke in "Busty McTeague's" life is much too well-behaved and rational to make-out in public, and there has been a drought as far as 'public displays of affection'. No evident smooching.
Maybe they hold hands in public.
Which is very sweet.

Well, people grow up. What that may mean is that the overly hormonal shenanigans of the past make way for more socially acceptable norms of behaviour. They no longer cross all lines and embarrass the folks they're with. They are, in a word, no longer children.

They may very well have gotten a room.

But it isn't any of your business.

I'm sorry for you.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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