Monday, August 11, 2014


When I first moved to this neighborhood there were eight functioning churches within walking distance. And there still are. Yet there has been a bit of change, they aren't the same eight.
I suppose that's a good thing. Churches get stale and settled, and take the suckers for granted after a while. Then they begin to get kind of snooty and meaningful, and yack on at you about The Lord.
Who the hell wants to hear that kind of crap?

The other possibility is that they become all soft and touchy-feely, with parishioners attempting to win you over by showing what likable and loving people they are. Filled with warmth, understanding, and a rigidly non-judgmental soup of the fermenting yoghurt of human kindness.

No wonder all those shallow e-commerce yuppies are turning to Christ.
It's enough to make you sick to the pit of your stomach!



I don't know about you, but I found that quite refreshing.

Anent biscuits (or cookies, knäckebröd, crackers, wafers, melba toasts, and the like) I should advise you to firmly stay away from any crunchy-munchies that Christians may provide. A church is NOT a snackbar!
At the very least try to ascertain beforehand that your fellow nibblers are NOT sin-filled hypocrites or among the damned.
Spiritual people and their depraved ilk.

Do NOT even consider dropping by to say 'hi'.

Half-assed musings on the divine!


I haven't been in a church in years. Probably ever since they stopped burning witches and lepers.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Anonymous said...

In Syria, Iraq and Egypt they are burning the churches. The Muslim Brotherhood, IS and various other criminally insane are killing the people, starving the children to death, rapes, homeless and yet they still love the teachings of Yeshua. And why not?

Is not His message a message of love and peace? Does He not speak the truth? I say to your Sir, that those eight churches are a like a social tree frog.

When they cease to exist you'll be living in a very toxic environment. Then your freedom to speak & write as you see fit will also cease to exist. You may want to pay attention to that aspect and less about the many shortcomings of the faithful.


The back of the hill said...

And in Uganda, church groups encourage the stigmatization of gays, in the United States church groups support gun rights and cater to the tea party, and in Russia the church supports Russian ethnic chauvinism.

We all came to this country to get away from other people's churches. The faithful will always reflect that intense dislike of society. And that competition of a multitude of petty bigotries guarantees our freedom to write and speak far better than any amount of religious types.

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