Thursday, August 07, 2014


One by one they fell, all twelve of them. Their leader had defiantly asserted that it was better to perish free Udang than live as slaves.
He was the last to die. They were scooped out of the briny depths, and rapacious hands made light work, gutting them and removing their armour, leaving them naked and pink in the sun.

A fire was started, and a cauldron placed thereupon. Oil was added, and then the shrimp, still so fresh that their moist glistensomeness had not faded. They sputtered as they were tossed, and both chopped tomatoes and chilipaste were added to their insult. Plus garlic.
Which had been whacked with a cleaver.

Within mere seconds, they were dished forth.
Some lime was squeezed over them.
Cilantro to finish.

And the feast began.


For each pound of freshest shrimp, one cup of chopped tomato, two tablespoons of chili paste ('sambal oelek' or 'sambal badjak'), and one clove of garlic (smashed). Ginger is not necessary.
Olive oil, lime juice, and a little cilantro.

The key is speed; shrimp goes off even faster than most other seafood. Peel them and remove the poo-vein, rip off their little legs and rinse them. You may leave the head on (unpeeled), as it is good for sucking, and full of flavour.

Once the oil starts smoking, add the shrimp, very promptly followed by everything else in the order given. Then dump it on a platter, and serve with fresh crusty sourdough.

You might want some chopped cucumbers on the side, both for contrast and to lessen the deleterious effects of too much crustaceanity on both your digestive system and the metatarsal-phalangeal joint at the base of either big toe. Left or right, it does not matter.

[If there is any crystalization in joints, tendons, and the surrounding tissues, you might have a problem. This can be avoided by upping your intake of coffee, citrus fruits, chilies, as well as milk, for several months beforehand, and getting off your duff once in a while. I can teach you how to do that, as I have excellent personal and dietary habits, and consequently only very minor gout, at rare intervals.]

I did not have any sourdough in the house, despite living in the beating heart of San Francisco, but I had prepared some rice. And instead of cucumber, there was okra.

Mmmm, okra!

羊角豆 ('Yeung gok tau'; "goat horn bean") or 潺茄 ('saan ke'; "flushy gourd"), katjang bendi in Indonesian. Because of its mildness okra may be cooked with strong flavours, or plain boiled, with peanut sauce for dipping on the side. It is also quite excellent in soups and stews.

I tend to stirfry it rather plainly, because I like the taste.

Okro supu is very Surinamese.

Add crabs.

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