Sunday, August 10, 2014


This was not something I overheard in Marin. But it could well have been.
"Monogamy is over-rated; let the fine fleshy women come to me."
Personally, I think he was stark raving crazy.

In his world, he may think that monogamy is not all it's cracked up to be. In the real world, however, it is a darn fine thing. It keeps people like him from being lynched.

Heck, monogamy sounds absolutely splendid to this blogger, who is quite entirely zerogamous at present and has been so for a long while.
Zerogamy is over-rated by any stretch of the imagination.
Irrespective of the fleshy characteristics of women.
Or non-fleshy fineness. That too is good.

A while later I heard: "what she needs is a cheap happy gigolo."

I am a rather old-fashioned man. My values and attitudes might not be altogether up to date and au courant. No, I am not easily shocked by modern mores, but I am distinctly disquieted.

Some people out there seem to regard sex like it's a video game. If you can't hit the jackpot and kill the nest of aliens, use codes and patches to defeat the ghouls or seize the treasure.
Rack up points, press buttons.
Achieve victory.

Obviously these people do not read.

Romance is like a good book. Even when you thoroughly understand what motivates the characters, it's fun to keep discovering new things, and be surprised by twists and unexpected personal ticks.
Get to know them, and be thrilled alongside.
Feel with them when they succeed.
Feel for them when they fail.

Books, whether they're adventure yarns or mystery novels, heck, even medical textbooks and etymological dictionaries, reflect a measure of reality. Video games do not.

The solution isn't happy gigolos and pluralogamy.

Nor RPG's and superpowers.

Just calm down.

Drink tea.


In other news, I realized the other day why so many children are out of shape little freaks; it's quite impossible to text while running around.
They'll exercise their pudgy fingers, but almost nothing else.
It also explains why they are socially problematic.
They cannot speak, and have naught to say.
Conversationally they're all thumbs.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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