Tuesday, August 26, 2014


The following will probably be hard to read for Anglophiles and Pakistanis, and likely also many Indians who regretfully recognize kin-ship with either of those groups.
Never-the-less, I especially encourage them to absorb all of it.
Because it affects how the rest of us view them.
But mostly, the Pakistanis.

"About 1,400 Rotherham children 'sexually exploited over 16-year period'
Police and council agencies failed victims, some of whom were threatened with guns and gang-raped"

[SOURCE: http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/aug/26/rotherham-children-sexually-abused-report.]

According to the report, gangs of sexual predators violated over fourteen hundred children (low estimate!) during a period of well over a decade and a half. During that time, the authorities ignored the problem, and victims were treated like garbage by the local police.

There may be an element of class warfare here, as the victims were usually from the poorer levels of society, and the British have a history of regarding the brutalization of the lower classes as, if not the natural order of things, excusable and down-right desirable.

It's debatable.The cops in any case let it continue, and by their inaction and evident attitude of laissez faire encouraged it.


"They were raped by multiple perpetrators, trafficked to other towns and cities in the north of England, abducted, beaten and intimidated."

"Failures of the political and officer leadership of Rotherham council over the first 12 years -- were blatant, as the seriousness of the problem was underplayed by senior managers and was not seen as a priority by South Yorkshire police."

"Police "regarded many child victims with contempt"."


These were not isolated incidents, and no one can claim that it did not happen on their watch. They were aware of it, they knew what was going on, and they chose to nothing about it.

It just wasn't an issue.

There were three comprehensive investigations between 2002 and 2006.

"The first of these reports was "effectively suppressed" because senior officers did not believe the data. The other two were ignored."

What this means is that the senior officers decided to deny the problem, effectively to deliberately overlook it entirely, and carry on as if nothing was wrong, and simply work toward an eventual conclusion of their careers and the expected happy retirements to follow.

"Councillors seemed to think this was a one-off problem they hoped would go away and "several staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist"."

"By far the majority of perpetrators were described as Asian by victims."

The ethnicity, as is shown by reported events and legal cases, is not "Asian". The word "Asian" includes everything and everyone from the Bosporus to Kamchatka. Turks, Israelis, Assyrians, Tibetans, Thais, Burmese, Laotians, Vietnamese, Cambodians, Japanese.....
Almost all of the Buddhist world.
All Shintoists. All Parsees.
Everyone Chinese.
And Sikhs.

The majority of perpetrators were described in no uncertain terms as Pakistanis. Not as anything else. Pakistanis.

The British use of the word 'Asian' in this context means Pakistani.
Specifically nothing else but Pakistani.
There are a huge number of Pakistanis in England. Rape and sexual abuse is endemic in Pakistan.
Pakistanis in England have a reputation for such things.
The Rotherham molesters were Pakistanis.

From an article published over three years ago: "At Sheffield Crown Court throughout September and October, eight men sat in the dock accused of rape and other sexual crimes against four girls, three aged 13 and one 16. The case resulted in five being convicted and three acquitted. 
All of the eight defendants were Pakistani Muslims..."

[SOURCE: http://standpointmag.co.uk/node/3576/full.]

From the same piece: "In 2004, Channel 4 withdrew Edge of the City, its controversial documentary made by Annie Hall that depicted parents trying to stop groups of young Asian men grooming white girls as young as 11 for sex. 
[ --- ] 
Colin Cramphorn, the then Chief Constable of West Yorkshire, joined groups such as Unite against Fascism in calling for the documentary to be withdrawn. 
Channel 4 complied, saying that the issue was not censorship."

"Most of the men buying sex with the girls have Muslim wives and they don't want to risk infection. The younger you look, the more saleable you are."

"Because religious Muslims are being pressurised to marry virgins within their own extended family networks, it means that some are more likely to view white girls as easily available and "safer" than Pakistani girls."

Safer than Pakistani girls? No doubt! Pakistani girls have Pakistani relatives. That alone makes them poison.

Final quote: "all the perpetrators were identified as being of Pakistani heritage".

That's one hell of a nasty heritage. Possibly one with absolutely no redeeming features whatsoever. In any case, a toxic sludge, well-nigh a festering cesspool of sheer rottenness and cultural garbage that causes disease in everything it touches, which should be isolated at more than arms length at all times.

That rancid heritage is now a part of Britain.

Are Pakistanis all bhainchotes?


Kuch log hote-hain, jin ke saath, 'civilization' mushkil hai.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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