Sunday, February 20, 2011


She intended to drive him to whatever event the other Aspergers had planned for today. But it wasn't in the cards.

She had the flu.

This wasn't the normal flu - it was the shivering, aching, I''m about to faint flu.
I had the same flu three months ago.
Getting home on the cable car that day was torturous - the notorious bore was on board, and for almost ten blocks I avoided eye contact, evaded any kind of acknowledgement - lest an antiquated sad-sack failure drench me with details of his miserable existence (prior to the invention of the cable-car, of course).
I've heard him several times - he finds a victim, and tells them about his life - it's always the same shpiel. Where he worked, which celebrities he knew, their amazing peculiarities, my heavens those were the days. Excruciating.

She was dressed to kill. Damn, she was hot hot hot! Yet she looked like hell warmed over. It took energetic persuading to keep her from driving to the Marina. She would have fainted before she even got half-way there, that bad, caused an accident.
Did I ever mention that she is the most stubborn person I know?
We walked back from where she parked the car together. Slow moving, step by step, holding her up and patiently guiding her in the rain.
It's a miracle that she got home.

She's asleep now, boruch Hashem.

I didn't get to the office as I planned. I stayed with her all day. She's in my bed now, sweaty and semi-delirious. She feels cold, so cold, so cold - there are several layers of warm cover on top of her.
She'll recover tomorrow - this flu takes about a two days.....

I spoke with him this evening. He's glad that someone is taking care of her.
Well, she's still my friend. I want that girl to be better.
And really, she should be healthy. Happy.

She'll be fine.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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