Monday, February 08, 2010


I missed out on the three major news stories of the past weekend.
Instead, I enjoyed the marvelous peace and quite that naturally resulted from being elsewhere while the world watched coverage of Michael Jackson's doctor, Sarah Palin gibbering at the gaping throngs of Trailerparkistan, and the Superbowl.
I am not interested in the death of a space alien, Alaskan bimbettes, or large sweaty men engaged in homoerotic behaviour.

I am somewhat curious about the Doctor Who performance at the ballgame during intermission. That sounds like a very novel entertainment to serve up..... but New Orleans IS a different world.
Still, doesn't make me want to watch sporting events.

I rather imagine that all three of those things would appeal to the type of people having a donnybrook in this video clip:

As you can see, a bunch of oafs and bumpkins. Especially by comparison.


Instead I called a snow day and spent Saturday reading and smoking (interrupted for dinner at a fine new Indian restaurant on Polk Street), twiddling my toes, and recovering from Friday night's whiskey.
Strong tea at regular intervals. Followed by another pipefull.

Sunday was much the same. Wandered about the city a bit with a pipe in my mouth, enjoying the stillness, drank a cup of tea at the office, read a bit, and smoked some more.
Had some curry, then more tea and tobacco.

Go ahead, watch that video clip again:

Impressive, isn't it? Music stills the savage beasts.

Notice how at one minute and twenty five seconds the Trailerparkistaners pause their heathen tumult and listen with slackjawed wonder to the strains of Alba an Aigh?
Normally I do not much favour the musical stylings of men in skirts, and consequently avoid ALL drag shows and amateur theatricals, but there's something stirring about this performance. Dignified, too. Perfect for a Sunday otherwise dominated by yokel passions.

Betcha there's nothing in that youtube clip that appeals to anyone who watched Michael Jackson's Doctor getting arraigned, Sarah Palin foaming at the mouth, or the sporting event. They probably don't smoke decent tobacco or drink strong tea either. Let alone appreciate a good curry. Barbarians.

1 comment:

Tzipporah said...

Man, I'll never get war movies. Maybe it's the palette - they always seem so drab. War movies and Westerns.

Tea and curry, now, that's nice.

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