Sunday, March 02, 2025


One more day before my weekend. And by now you've probably figured out that work is a little stressful because of the republican sewer in the back room. So I shan't mention that. Instead, I'll dwell on the possibility that a friend will drop by as he regularly does on Sunday to smoke a pipe and have a cup of tea. Which is very kind of him. There are some people there who are quite rational, and very civilized.

By and large I hate Marin and its denizens, but there are exceptions.
What I think about Trumplandia can only be imagined.
Although I will spell it out frequently.

All of America's problems could be solved if malaria became prevalent here. Just imagine the changes it would bring to the suburbs, the ellimination of much that is wrong with this country, and the wholesome positive benefits.
One could spend whole days without running into a single Christian if mosquito borne ailments were rife. Sheer heaven.

I fondly think of the red states as being the disease zone.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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