Sunday, March 09, 2025


"So it's agreed then? In June we all make Molotov Cocktails." No one voiced disagreement as they were all far too busy talking over each other and sharing opinions, or pouring wine and swilling Scotch. Sadly, there were no bready substances for the charcuterie, which would have sopped up some of the excess and slowed absorption. And I was probably the most attentive member seeing as I was drinking coffee instead of hitting the booze. The resident Dutchman has to stay alert. It's how we ended up brutally exploiting the world for so long while maintaining a pretence of being liberal humanists and ever so civilized.

Well, that last isn't a pretence. We actually are. We've never been ruled by an orange puke bucket and his coterie of paranoid numskulls. Just remember that.

When I asked one of the gentlemen present what his overseas relatives were thinking about this clownshow, he informed me that they were half shitting themselves over what the president would do, and half pissing themselves laughing.

This blogger is absolutely in favour of well-functioning eliminative processes.
I'm thinking more of incendiary methods and tactics.
Not biological functions.
Most of the boys agreed with my assessment that violent riots were both a reasonable option under certain circumstances as well as a great likelihood by summer. And that all markings of an attempted Fascist take-over are swinging into place, albeit quite clumsily and amateurish because the cabal are stupid people, raging paranoid egomaniacs, and absolutely incapable of all being on the same page or even concerted co-operation with their fellow dingbats.

It's not subtle. But many people are stupid and credulous.
As well as adulant or fellow travelers.

Other matters that we discussed were Willmer pipes, Carolina Red, Fribourg & Treyer, Kapp & Peterson and green wood dye (not colour-fast), stem materials, the addition of Perique. Plus terpeneols, carotenoids, and tannins. That last in connection with iron acetate, and staining wood. Briar, after curing, is very low in tannins, unlike for instance oak.
So very strong bitter black tea as a pre-coat comes to mind.

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All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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"So it's agreed then? In June we all make Molotov Cocktails." No one voiced disagreement as they were all far too busy talking...