Nearly six hours of sour moronic Republican senile delinquents foaming at the mouth over Democrats, Liberals, Europeans, and Zelensky leave me with no love for Marin County, Republican crypto-Nazis, and elderly white men. Most elderly white men. The pipe club meeting is coming up, and many of them are elderly white men. But pipesmokers can be quite civilized.
Cigar smokers are largely crazed hyenas.
Marin County is not a pleasant place to miss the bus back to civilization (San Francisco) because the damned Orcs stayed too long at the inn screeching about Democrats, Liberals, Europeans, and Zelensky. It is cold and dark in early March, and there was a freezing wind blowing. While begrumbling my fate an indistinctly outlined furry creature crossed the road, and from that distance I couldn't tell if it was large rat, a raccoon, or a misshapen dog.
Or someone's inbred loin fruit, using both hands and feet to scurry.
Rats are profoundly social creatures. But this was Marin. So not a rat.
Marin is not conducive to any creature with social skills.
Well, except for the crows.
Daniel remarked, in response to my foul comment about what I had to eat for lunch, that there was always In N Out burgers. I'm sorry, but fastfood shit with bible verses is NOT edible, and I don't have time to queue up for that. On my days off I'll make up for lunching surrounded by suburban barbarism by having Chinese food not too far from where I live, where I don't have to put up with rightwing human garbage either. Thank you. Can you please tell those toxic hosebags in the back to kindly choke on their own body parts?
Especially Jeff and the crazed bald deviant.
I look forward to tomorrow.
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