Saturday, March 15, 2025


At some point there will be revolution. Institutions the American people rely on are starting to crack, schools and research instutions are preparing for two or three years of underfunding and uncertainty. And, judging by the morons I get to hear at work, that's just dandy.
They'll cheer for much more of this.

Meanwhile, the United States government is careening full tilt ahead into idiocy, fascism, and wrecking ball behaviour.

Also, we're being told that overdosing on vitamin A and codliver oil will cure disease.
They're much better than ivermectin and hydroxichloroquine!
Ya just gotta have faith!

Who knew!

The bright spot, if it can be called that, is that Republican heads will roll, and wankpanzers are proving almost infinitely combustible. My heavens can they burn.
They sometimes spontaneously catch fire!
It's amazing.
Like everyone, I love a good bonfire. Witches, the country, and marshmallows on sticks.
And weenies! Delicious juicy tofu weenies!

Here in California there is always a risk of fires.
It's something we have learned to live with.
We always know where the exit is.

Power, greed, and lost idealism?

Plus you should expect extreme weather events throughout the year. Just remember, thinking that these are because of climate change would be very unChristian.
What the heck is wrong with you?!?

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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