As is customary every week I headed out, after a brief rest, to meet the bookseller for an evening of bar-conversation -- the start of his weekend, the middle of mine -- armed with pipe and tobacco. Sadly, the only rat I saw today was running around the trash-dumping area at the end of the square earlier while it was still light. The early rat gets the garbage bag. And despite the alleys being usually a generous venue for rat watching, which is also part of the weekly custom, the presence of several rat traps showed why they weren't like that now.
Imagine rodent lamentations. And songs about the valley of death.
Not even any transgender mice, despite the liberal funding.
I understand that elsewhere they're everywhere.
It's all the Republicans fault.
Back in my day, sonny, tell you what! Hmmph!
Other than that I quite enjoyed my wait for the bookseller to get off work. Smoked my pipe, watched the occasional pedestrian, sidestepped one or two street people, said 'thank you' to a young lady who complimented me on my smoking equipment, and quietly meditated.
I missed the rats (and transgender mice), though. They add so much to life I feel. Besides a distinct gamey funkiness. Nature in all her scurrying glory.
The beer place was too full. The karaoke place was an insane asylum. The bail-out from both those venues got crowded moments after we sat down, and normal conversation was nearly impossible, but besides that I think my hearing is getting worse. I said "what" several times, even after we had left.
I'm still giggling over the 'transgender mice'. We're currently governed by imbeciles.
Who are assisted by imbeciles. And applauded by other imbeciles.
Rats and mice can be remarkably intelligent.
Unlike Republicans.
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