Monday, March 10, 2025


Preparatorily fry up some fatty meat the night before to gasak while doomscrolling. And contemplatively eat a little too much chocolate with your hot caffeinated beverage. Then get up at dawn's early crack for coffee and a walk around the block with a pipe, after which head over to the busline downtown. Transfer to another line, walk downhill, show up forty minutes early. Which results in getting out of the office in record time so that you can head over to Chinatown for lean pork century egg congee (皮蛋瘦肉粥 'pei dan sau yiuk juk').
With a fried dough stick (油條 'yau tiu').

And after that you have a good long smoke, big bowl of tobacco. This is the best way to cap an appointment with your cardiologist. which has necessitated being in close proximity to other human beings at an ungodly hour which you did not want on public transit.

This is my bus! I found it! Go away!
Mentally shake stick at everyone.
Then judge them by their shoes.
Because you're looking down.
Avoiding all eye contact.
If it's before ten in the morning it is too early for eye contact.

Too much human interaction that early leads to weltschmertz, existenzangst, identitätskrise, zweifelhaft, und ein tiefes bedürfnis nach reinheit.

The congee was very good. The pieces of yautiu retained a nice crispity flakiness even after submersion. The pipe afterwards was divine. Oh yeah, the medical appointment went well. I'm not dead yet. And the word "normal" was used several times.

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