Monday, March 03, 2025


With the Americans having shockingly demonstrated how unreliable and unstable we are to the Europeans, and cozied up to Russia, it is time for all our allies (if we still have any) to reassess their relationship with us, with each other, and with their own part of the world.

[NATO without the U.S. will continue. It will include the Canadians.]

We cannot be trusted. We're useful, perhaps, but we're also a major liability with too many strings attached. As trading partners we are completely and flamboyantly criminal. Most of the time. Mexico and Canada have learned that.

As far as security is concerned we're leaky as a sieve, borderline treacherous at best.
We're complete opportunists, frequently unethical, and totally amoral.
As well as, at times, an embarrassment.

So it's time for Japan to rewrite her pacifist post-war constitution, which we imposed upon her, assume a more robust geopolitical posture, rearm like madmen, and permanently ditch that military non-intervention which we also imposed upon her. This may cause dismay and alarm in some quarters, but it will be in her own best interests to do so as well as beneficial to her more friends and trading partners.

It's also time, past time, that Taiwan and Korea rethink their attitudes about that. Unless they wish to be pounded by belligerent schoolyard bullies, absorbed, and permanently enslaved.
The Europeans are currently preparing for a future without the United States, as America has made itself damned well irrelevant, and it's only a matter of time before the American military presence there is firmly requested to terminate itself. We're probably going to turn Incirlik in Turkey into a casino resort catering to the Russian mafia in any case, and the longer we stay in Greece, Italy, and Spain, the greater the chance of major ecological disasters near those bases which we will refuse to clean-up, more than the toxic pollution there already.

Aside from the Phillipines, which is adept at flattering us, and a corruptocracy of monumental proportions besides, whose ruling classes want nothing more than an American passport and American quality Marlboros, Taiwan and Korea both have reason to fear bigger players in the region, and very good reasons not to trust us. Plus American servicemen raping the locals and getting stinko drunk in Okinawa are a burden that the Japanese increasingly resent.

There are many more reasons why a robust remilitarized Japan is extremely desirable, but the inevitable conlusion that Japan must ditch artical 9 is both logical and obvious.

If they act fast, and firmly, getting the United States to pay for the horrendous pollution near the soon to be abandoned bases is more likely, as well as the necessary decades-long clean-up. We won't be able to afford doing that before long.
And we'll be in no position to assist.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
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With the Americans having shockingly demonstrated how unreliable and unstable we are to the Europeans, and cozied up to Russia, it is time f...