Saturday, March 01, 2025


Rabbit rabbit. You're supposed to say rabbit rabbit first thing on the first day of the month for good luck or something before you start bellyaching about things like the orange cheeto's clown circus sending everything to hell in handbasket but for various reasons (actually one main one) which are hard to explain I do not blogpost on Saturday till the evening so the first thing here today is rabbit rabbit and if you've been here before you've probably already heard whatever I have to say about the old adderall addicted fool and his passle of opportunistic hateful incompetents like that big-jawed blonde twitty poo who handles lying to the press room or his vicious Guju attack dog and that Anglo South African egotard as well as the fact that a gibberant weirdo televangelist was appointed to the White House Faith Office (good lord why does that even exist?) which pleases the Christian nutballs who think he's the damned second coming and cream in their rose coloured panties when they fantasize about him grabbing them by their feline euphemisms with his short stubby fingers.
So let's just leave it at that. Rabbit rabbit.
The demented old poisonsbags in the backroom at work aren't even believers and they're positively creaming into their incontinence pants over the man. Even the Jews among them are giddy crypto-Nazis, oblivious entirely to the contradiction that presents. Jeff almost fouled himself with glee yesterday, having lost his moral balance entirely upon marrying that vicious anti-communist refugee who has him spin around her little finger. The man has turned into saddest excuse for an intelligent Jewish boy ever.

He wasn't there today. Praise the heavens.

The two evil bald deviants and the Irishman were. Scumsucking insects.

Last week it was a darn good thing that I do not bring a flamethrower to work. This week is shaping up to be as bad. Perhaps with March madness and the eventual start of the football season they'll have their unclean little joys over something else.
Instead of a Kremlin asset pissing on the Ukraine.
Like Putin told him to.

How much does a good flamethrower cost anyway?

One or two cylinders of flammable liquid, one cylinder of propellant gas, flexible hose and a triggered nozzle with an igniter. Possibly the whole deal mounted on a baby carriage for greater mobility, as well as to disguise it. So far it's just the idea stage.

Rabbit rabbit.

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