Friday, September 27, 2024


There are worse things than a category 4 hurricane. Natural disasters like Trump, De Santis, and the abysmal performance of their football teams. By comparison, a tiny little cat four is perfect strolling weather. And the water is fine!

There are alligators, snakes, and red necks swimming in the flooded streets.

But at least they don't have black history, gays, or refugees.

They've got Jesus. In their souls. And schools.


I'm sorry, even though two of the nicest bill collectors I know are based in Florida, it's hard to feel any sympathy for that state. Besides, I'm an unpleasant person, and I would hate their sports teams if I actually gave a rat's ass.

Years ago a friend from Holland bought a home in Florida.
I hope he's alright. On high ground at least.
We Dutch know about flooding.
And frogs. We know about frogs. During some parts of the year the highways are covered with frogs, so many that the asfalt is slimy and damp from the carnage. It must be the frogs, that's why my friend moved there. He'd feel out of place without the comforting presence of frogs. Frogs make any place seem like home.

Frogs, a little weather, and Jesus.
Life can hardly get any better.
It's just about perfect.

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