Sunday, September 08, 2024


One thing that struck me over the work week (which includes Saturday and Sunday) was that A) there are good sound reasons for not associating with many Republicans, cigar smokers, and Marinites during my days off, and B) if I had listened to the medical opinions of the delusional old bastards in the back room I would be dead now, and going blind.

Let's just say that cayenne-ginger water, manuka honey, apple cider vinegar, special vitamins for eyes, sitting yoga, and avoiding vaccination, are complete and utter horsefeathers.
Same goes for glutenphobia, kombucha, and most, almost all, popular diets.

Most days there are repulsive people on the premises.

I am completely normal.

Okay, I used that phrase ("I am completely normal") in conversation with my apartment mate, who expressed undiplomatic surprise at the intensity of my reaction to the box of cookies falling over, whereupon she said (paraphrased) "the heck you are, you are completely Aspy, no one acts like it's a horrid car crash with fatalities when cookies fall". Which is just wrong. If they don't, they should. Crumbs! Imperfection! And if anyone here is on the spectrum it is her. Whereas I am completely normal.
Today was the meeting of the local pipe club. Who are all normal people. Meanwhile the cigar-huffing rabid old swine in the back room were drooling over tight football buns and spewing loud and venomous disagreement over politics, economics, the medical profession, the media, everybody who disagrees with Trump, modern society, young people these days, climate change, various minorities, and milk bottle white calves visible because the retired member of the judicial branch was present, wearing shorts.

They're basically all on the same page, but instinctively they snarl, snap, and growl. Being foul tempered is their natural state. Which is why their surviving relatives of much younger generations drive them in and push them out of the car with pitchforks and cattle prods.

Because I am completely normal, I do not wear shorts.
I value other people's sensitivities.
And I'm very kind.

The pipe smokers, being creatures of sweetness and light, much like myself, were patiently tolerant of the stinking distemper on the other side of the building. As usual we had cheese, preserved meats, and pâté. Plus sundry bottles. Being an abstemious man I had no liquour, but took satisfaction with the pâté. Of which I had more than anyone else.
Yes, I even toasted with it.

Several members were sadly missing. One of them is currently in Africa, another had sent word that he couldn't attend, and a third may be off in the wilderness shooting or drawing ducks. Two others were simply not there. A pity. Maybe next month.

Did I already mention how normal I am?

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The following is reposted because I wholeheartedly agree with it. And I'm certain that everybody who is approaching retirement age does ...