Friday, September 06, 2024


Confession: I have never watch Gilligan's Island, and until moments ago didn't even know that it starred Bob Denver. Both the show and Bob Denver are major cultural elements for modern American society, and I can sympathize with John Wayne taking random potshots across the valley at Bob Denver's secluded villa in Wyoming or wherever.

The premise of the show, apparently, is that half a dozen people on a small motorboat get hopelessly lost somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Aliens, or something.
And coconuts are involved.

Apparently the show broke televisomatic barriers.

Plus it propelled Bob Denver to stardom.

Also because of the aliens.

And coconuts.

Years ago I bought a coconut. Almost broke my kitchen counter trying to open the thing.
The only thing I need coconut for is certain Indonesian and Indian dishes.
Never did manage to open that coconut.
Most of my exposure to coconuts comes through canned coconut milk (santan used in cooking), coconut sweetmeats (onde onde), spiced toasted grated coconut shreds mixed with nuts, dry shrimp, or fried dried seaweed (serundeng), and coconut icing on cakes.

In some places in South East Asia the entire coastal village reeks of smoke-dried copra, stronger near the pier. It's an important commercial commodity.

Copra should never be stowed near coffee, tea, tobacco, tropical gums or resins.
Spontaneous combustion (static electricity, fat content) is always an issue.
Smoking on board or in the warehouse is strongly disadvised.

Sometimes there are no other vessels visiting that place for months.

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