Monday, September 16, 2024


What does the stubborn, even pig-headed, old coot do after a meeting with his cardiologist, upon returning to his own neighborhood? Everything he shouldn't. Lunch of fatty stuffs disrecommended for people of all ages irrespective of their medical status.
Followed by a long pipe smoke.

Having gotten to my appointment early I was as you would expect also out of there early. The stress echo test left me a little bit peckish. And by the way, I think the nursy-wursy or other medical techician doing it was pregnant. I got that impression from the after images burned upon my retinas while lying on my left side before and after while she took pictures of my heart with the electrocardiographic thingy to which I was connected.

Blood pressure is excellent, and I'm probably as close to normal as I've ever been. Further details when I see my regular doctor for a follow up and a review of all other results of the yearly physical. Conclusion: I'm alive, not a zombie or a werewolf, and she's pregnant.

Oh, and many people on the bus in the early morning hours are weirdoes.
I base that on dispassionate scientific observation.

Fatty foods and smoking are generally speaking not recommended.
Bad for the cholesterol and a truly frightful example.
That nicotine! The horror, the horror.
Mmm, I feel good.
Thick chunks of streaky pork simmered with salted dried mustard greens (梅菜焖五花肉 'mui choi mun ng faa yiuk'). Totally divine, soul food. And a side dish of cucumber cooked with ham (青瓜火腿 'cheng gwaa fo teui').

Followed by aged Virginias in a forty year old Dunhill bruyere 253 group 4.

When I left the hospital where my cardiologist works I noticed a surgeon having a smoke off to the side while looking at his cell phone. I refrained from telling him that that was ill-advised. Though I was severely tempted to do so. He probably needed it after being wrist deep in someone. Nicotine and the internet both have risks. Or so I've been told.
But they satisfy the beast within.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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